British Gas opens winter support fund - customers struggling with energy bills could get up to £1,500 grant

British Gas has opened its winter support fund for 2023/24

Jessica Sheldon

By Jessica Sheldon

Published: 03/10/2023

- 13:54

Updated: 03/10/2023

- 14:00

British Gas has committed £100million in energy bill support since the start of energy crisis

British Gas and Scottish Gas customers who are struggling to pay energy costs could get up to £1,500 to help them this winter.

The energy giant opened the British Gas Energy Support Fund support fund for the 2023/24 winter this week.

Any British Gas or Scottish Gas energy customer who is struggling to pay their energy bill and has sought money and energy advice is able to apply for a grant.

More than 21,000 grants have been paid out since 2021, with more than a third of recipients on disability benefit, around a third being single parents, and a third with children under five years old.

British Gas statement and hob in pictures

People who aren't British Gas customers may be able to get support through the British Gas Energy Trust


People who are not British Gas customers could also be able to get support through the British Gas Energy Trust, an independent charity which is separate from, but solely funded by, British Gas.

The charity offers support to energy consumers across the UK via energy debt relief grants, emergency small energy grants and a network of 45 funded money and energy advice projects.

Visitors to the funded advice centres improve their yearly income by an average of £950, British Gas said.

Chris O’Shea, chief executive of Centrica, the parent company of British Gas said: “Thankfully energy prices have started to come down, but the broader cost of living crisis is still putting pressure on consumer finances, and we know many of our customers will still struggle with their household bills this winter.

“Our customers mean the world to us, and we want to help them through these difficult times, supporting them with grants, credit and advice.

“We’ve already committed £100million with the biggest energy support package in the UK to help make sure no one is struggling alone.”

Mr O’Shea said the they are “proud” to be the only supplier that supports other companies’ customers with grant and advice, through the British Gas Energy Trust.

He added: “We’ll continue to support the Trust this winter so that everyone has access to this valued support, such as the advice centres which make a real difference to people’s lives over the longer term.”

Person adjusting thermostat

People struggling to pay their energy bills and debt are urged to contact Citizens Advice


Consumers can access the British Gas Post Office Pop Up service at their local Post Office this winter, where on-site advisors will provide an in-depth overview of the support available, signpost people to local organisations for ongoing support, check for benefits entitlement and provide free energy-saving tips and advice.

The full list of where the advisors will be and when is available online on the British Gas website.

It comes as Britons are being warned they may find their energy bills are similar to or worse than last winter, despite the energy price cap having fallen.

People who are struggling with energy costs may be able to get extra support from their supplier and they could also be eligible for grants to help pay off debts to an energy supplier.

Citizens Advice can offer advice on support available to help with energy bills.