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Here are some of the many comments from GB News viewers and readers from our GB News inbox and across our site.
As Jeremy Hunt delivered his 2024 Spring Budget, we have a look at some of your views.
What if anything has the budget done for Pensioners? Triple Lock? Inheritance Tax? Pensioners always vote.
Bryan Smith
I am a Conservative voter or I was, my dad who gets state pension only will this year 23/24 start paying income tax on his state pension.
Disgraceful shame on the Tories for someone else like my dad who's worked all his life now paying tax on his pension, on top of that everything going up.
As a lifelong Conservative voter and pensioner Chancellor Hunt and the equally useless PM Sunak have made sure that it will be a cold day in hell before I vote Conservative again
The problem with people and budgets is they expect the Chancellor to keep giving things away to them, they are many of the same people who want lower taxes! The covid-19 pandemic shut down the economy, supported by Labour who also wanted longer shut downs! You do not close an economy the size of the UK and expect nothing to happen and massive tax cuts
People should read the budget before constantly carping on about it! Would it be better under Labour? I think not!
Bob, Hampshire
What gets me is how MP's really are out of touch, they keep referring to people that are earning 50 to 60,000 a year... People might be on this within the M25. Most of us are on between 13 and 20K a year... The national insurance cut will make next to no difference at all.I will definitely be voting for reform
How is it we can afford a million pounds for a Muslim statue but absolutely nothing for pensioners in the budget. At 80 years of age I am going to be taxed on my pension.
I listen to the budget, Mr Hunt was the most animated I have ever seen him but sadly I think he forgot the pensioners ( the silver surfers) I think he forgot we have not all kicked the bucket and will show our disappointment when voting for a new party.
Nothing at all for pensioners. The pension increase will now mean I will start to pay TAX. The tax thresholds should have been unfrozenI was a low earner! Not any more.
John Martin
Yes pensioners get an 8.5% increase.
That is taxed for many. Then there are council tax increases to cope with, Food price increases
The State Pension is less than half the Living Wage.
Why are pensioners seen as a burden?
Nothing for pensioners left out - too little too late. I have voted Tory since 1970, never again. Reform party for me.
Robert Lowe
No, no, no! Everyone raving about those earning 'the average salary of £35k' being £900 per year better off. Well what about those earning less? The majority of people working in shops, warehouses care and hospitality earn minimum wage.
The salary of someone working 40 hours a week on the new minimum wage is a little under £24k and they'll be a whopping £4 a week better off. Surely it's those on lower wages who need a boost. This budget does nothing for them.
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