HAVE YOUR SAY - Are schools right to enforce stricter uniform policies and measure girls' skirts? COMMENT NOW

GBN Videos

By GBN Videos

Published: 09/09/2024

- 07:22

Updated: 09/09/2024

- 09:35

A school in the Isle of Wight has been accused of "degrading" girls by making them line up to have their skirts measured

School uniform enforcement varies from school to school, with some headmasters checking skirt lengths and enforcing policies whereas others have a more lax approach.

A school in the Isle of Wight has been accused of "degrading" girls by making them line up to have their skirts measured for two hours.

Do you think that this is important or a waste of both the children and the teacher's time?

HAVE YOUR SAY NOW Are schools right to enforce stricter uniform policies and measure girls' skirts? LET US KNOW IN THE COMMENTS SECTION

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