Reform UK AHEAD of Tories in new poll as Sunak braced for brutal wipeout in just hours

Nigel Farage/Rishi Sunak

Reform UK is ahead of the Conservative Party, a new survey has shown, just hours before voters go to the polls in the UK

Millie Cooke

By Millie Cooke

Published: 03/07/2024

- 12:44

Updated: 03/07/2024

- 12:44

Leading figures in the Tory party have already begun bracing for a wipeout, with some even appearing to admit defeat hours before polls open

Reform UK is ahead of the Conservative Party, a new survey has shown, just hours before voters go to the polls in the UK.

A new poll conducted by People Polling for GB News has put the Tories on just 16 per cent support, while Reform was ahead at 20 per cent support.

The Labour Party was 20 points ahead of the Tories at 36 per cent support.

The Liberal Democrats were in fourth place, with ten per cent support, while the Greens were on nine per cent.

Rishi Sunak/Nigel Farage

Leading figures in the Tory party have already begun bracing for a wipeout, with some even appearing to admit defeat hours before polls open


The SNP was on four per cent backing.

Responding to the polling, Professor Matt Goodwin said: "Consistent with other polling, we have Labour slightly down only days before the election, on 35 per cent, while the Conservatives are up 1-point to 16 per cent and Reform are down again to 20 per cent (from their high with us of 24 per cent two weeks ago).

"Nonetheless, unlike other pollsters we still have Reform ahead of the Conservative Party in terms of the national share of the vote.

"We have, obviously, not changed any methodology throughout the entire general election campaign."

Leading figures in the Tory party have already begun bracing for a wipeout, with some even appearing to admit defeat hours before polls open.

Speaking to GB News today, Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride warned that the Labour Party is heading to an "extraordinary landslide".

Meanwhile, former home secretary Suella Braverman declared the election battle is already "over", instead saying the fight to save the Tories from extinction must begin.

The Tory party is sitting around 20 points behind Labour in most polls.

Speaking to GB News, Stride said: “This is about what is going to happen tomorrow, it is about whether we want to see a country that is going to have lower taxes going forward or it is going to be a country under Keir Starmer that is going to see taxes rising very considerably.

“And it is also about how Parliament is going to operate and whether we are going to have an effective opposition or not because if you look at the polls it is pretty clear that Labour at this stage are heading for an extraordinary landslide on a scale that has probably never, ever been seen in this country before.

“That is why I think it is so important that Boris’s message, my message, the Prime Minister’s message is, this is not a by-election tomorrow, this is going to set what happens for the next five, maybe 10 years, let’s have a Parliament that can hold the government to account…".

The polling, conducted by People Polling for GB News, spoke to 1,260 people on July 2.

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