SNAP POLL: Is Labour proving it is the anti-car party with 20mph limits? YOUR VERDICT

Wales 20mph speed limit road

The Welsh Government set out new guidance for 20mph speed limits around the country - something Labour could implement across the entire UK

Emily Fox

By Emily Fox

Published: 25/08/2024

- 14:23

Updated: 27/08/2024

- 09:49

Miriam Cates has accused Labour of having an anti-car agenda - do you agree?

Miriam Cates has today spoken of how Labour has exposed its real anti-car agenda.

She wrote in a Telegraph column: "LTNs are a waste of resources and are already seen to be a failure – like many of the other anti-driving measures inflicted on the public in recent years.

"Indeed, in Wales, the deeply unpopular 20 miles per hour blanket speed limit is being partially rolled back just a year after introduction.

We must recognise that for decades, all our major infrastructure – from housing estates to retail parks – has been designed with the car in mind.

"And unlike countries such as the Netherlands, we have neither the flat topography nor the wide roads that might allow cycling as a genuine alternative for some.

"Sometimes the cure is worse than the sickness; LTNs are frustrating, ineffective and an expensive exercise in virtue signalling."

SNAP POLL: Is Labour proving it is the anti-car party with 20mph limits? YOUR VERDICT

SNAP POLL: Is Labour proving it is the anti-car party with 20mph limits? YOUR VERDICT

GB News

In the exclusive poll for GB News membership readers, an overwhelming majority (98 per cent) of the 702 voters think Labour is proving it is the anti-car party with 20mph limits, while just one per cent thought it wasn't. One per cent said they did not know.

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