Will Humza Yousaf outlive the leafy green? Lettuce know in the comments...

Gabrielle Wilde

By Gabrielle Wilde

Published: 26/04/2024

- 20:15

Updated: 01/05/2024

- 09:01

The Scottish Tories will lodge a vote of no confidence in the first minister and Scottish Labour have secured backing for a similar vote on the entire Scottish government

The Scottish government has been plunged into crisis by the dissolution of a cooperation agreement between the SNP and Scottish Greens following disputes over climate and gender policy.

The Scottish Tories plan a vote of no confidence in the first minister Humza Yousaf and Scottish Labour have now have secured backing for a similar vote on the entire Scottish government.

Things for Yousaf seem to be at the tip of the iceberg, so Tom Harwood has released an unbe-leaf-able video where he introduced GB News viewers to Humza Yousleaf, a lettuce that he thinks could outlast the first minister.

Speaking to GB News viewers Harwood said: "In an entirely original spark of imagination I have invented, no I've completely stolen this from two years ago when the Daily Star were very successful in timing the length of tenure of Liz Truss against a lettuce.

"Two years on and it's a different party that is having a leadership crisis. Humza Yousaf in the SNP is facing two votes of no confidence next week, one in himself and one in his government. It all comes down to the wire.

"Just one MSP changing his or her mind could be the difference between the end of Humza Yousaf or him clinging on as First Minister. So enter Humza Yousaf, the GB News mascot. Can this lettuce outlast the First Minister of Scotland?"


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