GB News presenters send a special message to members this Easter

Georgia Pearce

By Georgia Pearce

Published: 29/03/2024

- 14:04

GB News presenters have sent a special message to our members, ahead of the Easter weekend celebrations, to thank them for their support and to wish them a happy Easter.

Breakfast presenter Isabel Webster said: "I just wanted to wish you personally a very happy Easter. Thank you for your loyalty. I hope you manage a rest and lots of chocolate."

Stephen Dixon told members: "Happy Easter everyone! I hope you have a really peaceful and blessed weekend", as cohost Ellie Costello added: "and don't eat too much chocolate!".

Britain's Newsroom hosts Andrew Pierce and Bev Turner also sent a special message to members, saying: "Have a very, very happy Easter. GB members, thank you for being loyal to us and staying with us and have a nice time. Don't eat too much chocolate.

"Thank you for your support. We couldn't do what we do here at GB News without your ongoing support. Have a lovely Easter. Be surrounded by the people who you like and who like you back. And actually, I say it as much chocolate as you want. It's the one weekend to do so. Keep watching us. Don't forget we're on all over Easter."

Presenter Ben Leo said to GB News members: "I want to say to you a very happy Easter. It's a good Friday today. It's going to be Easter Sunday in a couple of days. I hope you enjoy it, because I get the feeling in recent weeks, Christianity in this country has become a bit of a bad word. It's become under attack, maybe with all these lots of Ramadan signs at King's Cross..."

Dawn Neesom added: "I'm just going to concentrate on wishing you a very Happy Easter, and lots of chocolate! Have a lovely time with those you love. And a very happy Easter to you all."

Patrick Christys sent a personal message to members, thanking viewers for their support: "I just want to wish you and your loved ones a really, really Happy Easter, from the bottom of my heart. I'm not sure how you'll be celebrating it, maybe it's with your family, a spring lamb on the go, Easter egg hunts with the kids.

"And also don't listen to what the NHS advisor said. All right? You really can eat an Easter egg all in one go. I should know, of course. If you've just managed to get through lent, well done, whatever you've given up. You can crack back on now, can't you! So gorge yourselves to your heart's content.

"Maybe some of you are off to church, fantastic. If you are, maybe I'll see you there. But I just want to say as well, from the bottom of my heart, apart from have a very, very happy Easter. Thank you very, very much for watching, for tuning in, for all the emails that you send in, for all the interaction on social media as well. We really are a family here at GB News, and you really are the biggest part of that family. And thank you so much and have a very happy Easter."

And finally prime time host Michelle Dewberry told GB News members: "I wish you a very, very happy Easter. Whatever you're doing, whoever you're spending it with, I wish you a lovely time. And don't forget you are never going to be alone because good news, we're here for you throughout!"

From everyone at GB News we wish you all a very Happy Easter


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