Ben Habib reveals Reform UK's plan: 'DESTROY the Tories and hold balance of power'

Reform UK's Ben Habib responds to a rise in support for the party in recent polls.

Reform UK's Ben Habib responds to a rise in support for the party in recent polls.

GBN Membership

By GBN Membership

Published: 04/12/2023

- 12:37

Deputy Leader of the Reform Party gives his insight on what the shifting polls mean

Reform Deputy Leader Ben Habib has given his verdict on the political situation in the UK, insisting that the party's aim is "to destroy the Tories and hold the balance of power".

Speaking to GB news on the day that a BMG Research poll showed the party hitting 11 per cent in a Westminster poll, Habib argued that: "It should be no surprise for anyone that Reform UK is doing well in the polls.

"At its simplest, Reform stands for the promotion of British national interests and that of its people.

"The pendulum in the UK has moved far too far over to progressive socialism. Aspiration has been replaced with dependency; wealth creation by wealth redistribution."

Habib then laid into the Government with a damning assessment.

"Our borders are abused. Minorities are promoted over and above and to the detriment of the majority. Reform UK will reverse all the above," he said.

"We are the only genuinely conservative and unionist voice. The Tories will say a vote for Reform is a vote for Labour. The truth is a vote for the Tories is a vote for Labour – they are the same side of the same coin. And a vote for either of them is a vote against the United Kingdom.

"We will stand a candidate in 630 seats in the General Election. Our aim is to destroy the Tories and hold the balance of power."

The Reform UK Deputy Leader's comments come on the day that new research has revealed Rishi Sunak is now polling worse than than Liz Truss.

Rishi Sunak's Government's meanwhile looks set to announce a new immigration plan imminently.

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