Tesco shoppers slam new scan-as-you-go technology branding it 'dystopian' and 'insane'

Shoppers are sceptical about the practicality of the new system

Solen Le Net

By Solen Le Net

Published: 07/03/2025

- 09:36

Shoppers are sceptical about the practicality of the supermarket's latest technology, which has been rolled out at select stores

Tesco's new Scan As You Shop checkout system has sparked division among British shoppers, with some labelling it "dystopian" and "insane".

The scan-as-you-go service includes trolley-weighing features that have left some shoppers uncomfortable.

Others have embraced the new technology, which eliminates the need to unload and rescan products at the till.

A Newcastle shopper spotted three of the checkouts - said to weigh customers' trolleys after they finish shopping - installed at the Gateshead supermarket.

shoppers and scanning device

Shoppers may be selected for a random check when leaving the store


The Scan As You Shop (SAYS) system allows customers to pick up a device when entering the store and scan each item as they place it in their trolley or basket.

Once finished, shoppers can pay for all their items using traditional staffed or self-serve checkouts.

The technology reportedly weighs trolleys to ensure their weight matches that of the scanned items, sparking comparisons to airport security.

One shopper questioned: "Am I at border control or Tesco?"

Another person reflected: "A very dystopian feel, hoping that the general public will vote with their feet."

One customer said: "Come for the shopper, stay for the full body scan, Wtf."

Upon paying, customers using the technology may be randomly selected for a service check, during which staff verify that all items have been processed correctly.

Some shoppers voiced concerns about the practicality of the "insane" new check-outs, with one writing: "Those floor scales are going to cause headaches.

"Especially as supermarkets are not too good at the calibration of scales."


The SAYS system has been rolled out in select Tesco stores


"How will [that] work when it would have to be sensitive enough to work for like birthday cards and also have enough variance for different bags people use?" another shopper chimed in.

"Are those the gates for the new Heathrow runway?" joked a fourth person, while another commentator chimed in: "Better get the Tesco Passport ready."

Questions about accessibility have also been raised by those sceptical of the latest technology advancement, with many seeing it as a step "too far" from traditional staffed tills.

The SAYS system so far has been rolled out in select Tesco stores across the UK.