'I'm a skin care expert - using one product every day will keep your skin looking youthful'

Wearing SPF can prevent premature ageing
Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 20/09/2024

- 11:34

Wearing one protective staple will help fight the signs of ageing

Anti-ageing is a huge topic of discussion among Britons, that's why there are so many products, treatments and diet plans promising these results.

One product is the most important of them all, according to a skin care expert, and it doesn't need to cost a lot.

Wearing sunscreen every day is something everyone should do, regardless of their age.

This is according to CEO of epigenetic health company TruMe Labs Yelena Budovskaya, PhD.

Woman applying sunscreenIt is vital to wear SPF every day, regardless of the weather GETTY

Not only does sunscreen protect from the ageing effects of UV rays, it will also offer some protection against the potential health risks of the sun.

It's not just for sunny days either. The expert said: "Sunscreen is a must-have in your beauty routine, no matter the season."

She advised "checking the UV index daily as even on cloudy days, UV radiation can damage your skin".

"You should apply sunscreen when the UV index is three or above unless you are outside for extended periods (two hours or more), then sunscreen should always be worn," she continued.

"Be aware that chemical sunscreens can take 20 minutes to start working.

"Using sunscreen daily will prevent what is called photoageing by protecting your collagen and elastin which help keep your skin soft."

Collagen helps the elasticity of your skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.

Many beauty products, such as moisturisers and foundations, will contain SPF, but Britons should check the effectiveness of this. While products may contain SPF 15, SPF 20 or SPF 30, Yelena advised packing on SPF 50 where possible.

The expert continued: "The NHS advises SPF of 30 or over, though it is best to aim for SPF 50+, as this provides more coverage.

applying cream to hands

SPF prevents the signs of ageing and protects against health risks


"Also ensure your sunscreen is labelled ‘broad-spectrum’ to protect against both UVB (which causes burns) and UVA rays (which penetrate the skin deeper, accelerating ageing).

"The higher the SPF, the longer it will take before your skin burns in the sun. Though don’t think wearing higher-factor sunscreen means you can stay out more.

"It is important to limit your time under the sun’s rays regardless of how strong your SPF is."

This comes as another "must-have" skin care ingredient was highlighted as a great way to boost collagen and create a "youthful appearance".