Crucial property improvement boosts saleability of homes and ‘provides return within a year'

Crucial property improvement boosts saleability of homes and ‘provides return within a year'

'It will devalue my property!' Fury as 60ft high warehouse could decrease value

Solen Le Net

By Solen Le Net

Published: 22/02/2024

- 10:22

A simple investment could push your property from an energy band D to a band C according to experts

House prices have increased in February from the previous month, giving sellers a confidence boost as the year kicks.

The better equipped their household is at the time of sale, the bigger their returns will be.

Homeowners could see a return after just one year of investing in the energy efficiency of their property, for example.

Property experts believe the investment offers a double-whammy of returns, as it could also “massively boost the saleability” of a home.

houses on street

​​Certain improvements offer big returns to sellers


Amer Siddiq, founder and CEO at Landlord Vision, mapped out several reasons why improving a house's energy efficiency is a worthwhile investment.

“There are some relatively obvious ways of adding value to your home, though some of these investments will require a potentially high upfront cost,” explained Amer.

“Selling your property is a difficult and essential part of changing your location of residence.

“Whether you are doing so for professional or personal reasons, it’s important to maximise the value of your property when needed.”

Not only will the investment maximise a seller's profits, but it will also start generating a return within a year.

“For example, improving the energy efficiency of your home could cost a pretty penny if you have an old or outmoded home,” noted the expert.

“However, the savings over time, as well as the added value to the home, could provide a return as early as a year or two.

“Similarly, upgrading your HVAC system can make a property look far more attractive to prospective buyers, as well as having a modernised kitchen and bathroom.”

homes for sale

​Improving the energy efficiency of a house massively boosts its saleability 


Property expert Jonathan Rolande echoes this advice, noting that a simple update could push properties from a band D to a C.

“Some a few LED bulbs might do the trick,” he said.

“A re-inspection will cost about £50 and a new, higher EPC rating will massively increase the saleability in these days where energy efficiency is so important.”

Drought-proofing a home and installing professional air sealing are just some ways homeowners can improve their energy efficiency.

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