Property for sale? Speed up the selling time with eight tricks 'destined to entice any viewer'

People viewing house / property in London

Experts shared tips to help your home sell more quickly

Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 10/09/2024

- 16:00

Updating your home before putting it on the market could reduce the sale time, experts stated

Selling a property can be a lengthy process, taking an average of four to eight months, according to Zoopla research.

However, homeowners can slash the time taken by following specific tips when they sell.

House-buying experts housebuyers4u have shared eight insider tricks to leave a lasting impression on potential buyers.

Neutralise odours and appeal to their sense of smell

First impressions are crucial when selling a home and smell plays a significant role. Unpleasant odours can be instant deal-breakers for potential buyers.

Houses for sale

Properties take up to eight months to sell, on average


Experts recommend removing lingering smells by airing out rooms and using air fresheners. To create a welcoming atmosphere, experts suggest baking bread, cookies or cakes.

"The all-encompassing smell of indulgent treats like these is destined to entice any viewer who walks through the door," they advised.

Don't forget to spruce up any outdoor areas

Selling a house is often considered one of life's most stressful events, with 57 per cent of Britons ranking it above major milestones like having a child or getting divorced.

Despite this stress, it's crucial not to overlook your outdoor space. Experts emphasised the importance of maintaining gardens, painting front doors and mowing lawns.

These small touches create a welcoming environment and can significantly impact a potential buyer's first impression of the property.

Remember to utilise natural light to your advantage

Natural light is a key factor in creating an inviting atmosphere. The experts suggested buyers are drawn to bright homes.

To maximise natural light, thoroughly clean all windows and keep curtains open. Strategically placed mirrors can also enhance brightness, especially in darker areas.

"Mirrors can play a massive role in making a home seem brighter and more inviting as they reflect light," the experts noted.

Remove personalised items from the space

While personal decor creates a homely atmosphere, it can hinder potential buyers from envisioning themselves in the property.

Experts advised depersonalising the space by removing family photos and children's drawings. This creates a blank canvas for viewers.

"When potential buyers walk through a listing, they should be able to envision themselves living there, not the sellers," housebuyers4u explained.

By decluttering personal items, sellers increase the chances of closing a sale.

Consider removing any pets from the property before viewings

Not everyone is a pet lover and some potential buyers may be allergic. According to Allergy UK, up to 35 per cent of people in the UK are allergic to pets.


Viewing property

Experts recommend temporarily relocating pets during viewings


Experts recommend temporarily relocating pets during viewings. This includes removing food bowls, litter boxes and toys.

While it may seem inconvenient, eliminating pet-related smells and belongings can prevent deterring potential buyers who might otherwise be interested in the property.

Highlight unique features and selling points

With over 1.3 million UK homes sold between 2021 and 2022, standing out is crucial, the experts added. Sellers should emphasise unique aspects of their property.

Whether it's a warm fireplace, countryside views, or open-plan living, these features can leave a lasting impression on potential buyers.

Experts suggested rearranging furniture to draw attention to these elements, making the property more memorable in a competitive market.

Stop overlooking simple fixes and repairs

Minor issues like squeaky doors or leaky taps can be deal-breakers for potential buyers. Experts stressed the importance of addressing these problems promptly.

"While maintaining appearances is key when selling a home, it's also essential to complete these repairs to the best standard rather than simply covering up an issue," they advised.

They recommend hiring professionals to conduct thorough repairs throughout the home before arranging viewings

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