Parking war erupts after vandals slash tyres and splash paint on vehicles avoiding airport car park

Cars parked

Some drivers even had their tyres let down after parking in the village

Felix Reeves

By Felix Reeves

Published: 12/09/2023

- 12:11

Essex Police said they were aware of the issues and urged residents not to take matters into their own hands

Drivers are being warned after local residents have started to vandalise vehicles who are looking to park near airports before they go on holiday.

A number of vehicles had yellow lines painted on them and even had their tyres slashed by furious residents living in a village near Stansted Airport.

Essex Police were called to Takeley, a village of 7,000 people, after eight vehicles were vandalised on the main street in the area.

A number of notes were also left on the windscreens of the affected vehicles, designating them as “airport parkers”.

Stansted Airport sign

The drivers were parked in a village near Stansted Airport


The note read: “This vehicle has been targeted by the Takeley Anti-Airport Parkers Group.”

People living in the village, which is just over a mile away from Stansted Airport, have reportedly become frustrated with motorists parking in the village.

Those who do choose to park in the village usually do so to avoid the expensive daily charges found at the airport parking facilities.

One Audi Q4 vehicle was seen with yellow paint covering the front logo, one of the lights and the wing mirror, in addition to seemingly having the tyres slashed.

Acting Inspector Kevin Mayle said: “We believe that these reports relate to ongoing issues regarding vehicles being parked where they shouldn't be by those going to Stansted Airport.

"Whilst we appreciate that this is incredibly frustrating for those living close to Stansted Airport, we ask the public to report parking issues on the Uttlesford District Council website and not take action yourselves.

"Additionally, we ask that those visiting Stansted Airport use the available parking and do not illegally park in surrounding roads."

Any affected vehicles were also met with a note from Essex Police on the windscreen, saying that they were aware of the damage and instructing them to call 101 with an accident number.

Parking at Stansted Airport for five days of parking can cost more than £100, with many motorists preferring to park for free in nearby villages.

Some residents have blamed the issues on questionable parking companies advertising themselves and urging motorists to park elsewhere.

One motorist, Ian Turner, had flown back from France and was devastated to find that his vehicle had been targeted by the protestors.

The 58-year-old said: “It’s sheer vandalism. My car was perfectly legally parked and in no-one’s way - there were no white lines or restrictions.


Cars parked at an airport

Drivers were parking in the village to avoid the expensive parking fees (stock image)


“There was absolutely no reason why I shouldn’t have left my car there. The paintwork has been so damaged that the whole car needs a respray – and it may not be worth it so it will be a write-off,” he told ITV.