A doctor shares how your sleep position could be ageing you - 'it can cause lines and creases'

Sleeping positions can affect your skin

Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 29/11/2024

- 15:03

Updated: 04/12/2024

- 11:30

Daily habits - such as what position you sleep in - could be ageing your skin prematurely

While ageing skin is a natural part of life, you don't want this to happen earlier than it needs to.

To avoid early wrinkles, experts suggest the daily habits you should avoid that could add years to your appearance.

Dr Kenyana Emamian, an aesthetic doctor at Este Medical Group, shared small changes that can make a big difference in preventing wrinkles and sagging skin.

How you sleep is often overlooked but it could be encouraging wrinkles on your face, according to the doctor.

Woman sleeping

Cotton pillows can cause creases on your face


She said: "When you sleep on your side or stomach, your face is pressed into the pillow for hours, which can cause lines and creases."

The expert added that, over time, these creases may become permanent. Sleeping in a different position - such as on your back - or investing in a silk pillowcase may reduce the risk of this.

Dr Kenyana continued: “Silk pillowcases reduce friction and are much kinder to your skin compared to cotton."

Not only is silk less abrasive on the skin, the pillowcases have been found to help the skin retain moisture.

They are less likely to rub off the skin care products you apply during your nightly routine, allowing your creams to really get to work.

The expert cited another action that many people do every day that could be unwittingly prompting sagging skin and wrinkles, which is rubbing your eyes and face aggressively.

Dr Kenyana said the skin around the eyes is more delicate and can be weakened by rubbing. This could lead to crow's feet and sagging skin.

Younger and older eyes

The doctor warned against aggressively rubbing your eyes


“If you wear makeup, remove it with a soft cloth or cotton pad soaked in a gentle cleanser - never scrub or tug at your skin.”

When applying skin care products, the doctor urged Britons not to forget about three areas.

The doctor continued: "One of the big mistakes that can lead to premature ageing is forgetting about three key areas when moisturising - the hands, the neck and the décolletage, the area between the neck and the chest.

“These areas are often the biggest culprits that show premature ageing and should not be neglected.”