'I'm a plastic surgeon - look younger without going under the knife by avoiding water at a certain temperature'

Dr Sarmela Sunder / Woman washing face

A plastic surgeon offered a top skin care tip

TikTok / @TikTokBeautyDoc / GETTY IMAGES
Anna Barry

By Anna Barry

Published: 16/10/2024

- 14:22

Ditch hot showers in favour of lukewarm or cold ones to protect your skin

There are plenty of options out there for women who want to turn back the clock. From new makeup hacks to haircuts to wardrobe revamps, the opportunities for anti-ageing are endless. Women can also go down a cosmetic route, choosing between non-surgical and surgical procedures.

However, an effective skin care regime can also work wonders and be inexpensive if you know the right tricks. A facial plastic surgeon shared a crucial hack for washing your body and face.

In a TikTok video about anti-ageing, Dr Sarmela Sunder (also known as @TikTokBeautyDoc) told skin care enthusiasts: "Don't shower using hot water and definitely don't wash your face with hot water.

"Hot water can deplete the skin of its natural moisture barrier. Instead, use lukewarm water or even cold water when you're washing your face."

Woman using shower gel

'Don't shower using hot water and definitely don't wash your face with hot water'


The experts at Glo Skin Beauty explained the importance of preserving your moisture barrier.

Skin enthusiasts were told: "There are various layers to the skin, each serving a different purpose. Your moisture barrier, also known as your acid mantle or stratum corneum, provides critical protection for your skin.

"This layer acts as the first line of defence, keeping good things in and bad things out. Those bad things it keeps out include environmental stressors, bacteria, pollutants, and other irritants. And the good things? That mainly includes hydration or moisture."

It's important to preserve your skin's all-important moisture barrier by avoiding hot water, as Dr Sunder suggested.

Other ways to prevent moisture barrier damage include not going overboard with exfoliation and increasing how much moisturiser you apply during the colder months of the year.

Dr Sunder provided a second anti-ageing skin care tip. She said: "Avoid rubbing or tugging the skin around the eyes. The skin around the eyes is very delicate and sensitive.

"Avoid rubbing or tugging around the eyes when you're removing makeup. Tugging and rubbing the skin not only causes wrinkles but can also lead to increased hyperpigmentation around the eyes."

The expert finally provided a word of warning to those who like to practise facial exercises.

Dr Sarmela Sunder

The expert also told woman to 'avoid crazy facial exercises'

TikTok / @TikTokBeautyDoc

While many people engage in this in pursuit of anti-ageing, the plastic surgeon claimed too many extreme facial movements could have the opposite effect.

Dramatically raising her eyebrows and opening her mouth, Dr Sunder said: "Avoid crazy facial exercises [like this pictured above]. Facial exercises that cause hyperactive facial movements actually cause more wrinkles."

Another way women can look younger is by curating an effective skin care regime.

A 40-year-old woman claimed that people think she's in her 20s thanks to three steps in her routine.

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