'I'm a plastic surgeon and you can look 10 years younger with a skin care product that will blow your mind - no surgery needed'

Deirdre Nicholas gives style advice for women over 50

YouTube / Deirdre Nicholas
Anna Barry

By Anna Barry

Published: 09/04/2024

- 20:51

The ingredients can be purchased over the counter

Most people wouldn't mind appearing slightly younger than their age, but not everyone has the money for cosmetic procedures - or the desire to make big, invasive changes.

A plastic surgeon revealed how women can "look 10 years younger" without going under the knife. Dr Anthony Youn, known as America's Holistic Plastic Surgeon, told anti-ageing enthusiasts to invest in a brightening cream.

The plastic surgeon said: "We'd all love to look 10 years younger, but how do you do that without surgery?

"I'm here to help you look your best with the right foods, clean skin care, and the latest in non-invasive treatments."

Dr Anthony Youn / Woman with beautiful skin

A plastic surgeon shared how you can shave a decade off your age with an over-the-counter product

YouTube / Dr Youn / GETTY IMAGES

Dr Youn offered an anti-ageing tip that "will blow your mind." He told older women and men to invest in a brightening cream.

He said: "You might have issues with age spots or sun spots or liver spots - these are all different names for basically the same thing - and the only way to get rid of these spots is to actively get rid of them using a cream or using lasers."

Dr Youn recommended a brightening cream including ingredients such as liquorice root extract, kojic acid or niacinamide. These can be purchased over the counter.

As for the benefits of brightening creams, the expert claimed that within six to eight weeks, you should start seeing changes.

Age spots should begin to disappear, "and your skin should look younger - maybe even 10 years younger".

The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery said that "unsightly blemishes - commonly called age spots - can appear on the face and on the back of the hands".

"The spots - also called lentigines, lentigos or liver spots - are sharply defined, rounded, brown or black, flat patches of skin."

So why do we start to see age spots as we get older? While they can appear in younger people, older people are more predisposed to developing age spots, especially ones who have spent significant time in the sun.

The experts explained that they occur "when the top surface layer of skin expands with more pigment and develops what looks like a large freckle".

Dr Youn also told those who want to look 10 years younger to purchase a retinol.


Woman with beautiful skin

Investing in a brightening cream could be the secret to looking '10 years younger'


He explained that retinol is a form of vitamin A, and a prescription-strength version is Tretinoin.

He recommended applying this cream to the skin every night, saying that people should be able to see results within one, two, or three months.

Retinol application should allow the skin to turn over more quickly, promote exfoliation, and get rid of fine lines and blemishes.

The plastic surgeon also told Britons how they can lift and tighten their droopy necks without going under the knife.