The 'biggest' skin care mistakes women make that could cause 'lines and wrinkles'

Exfoliating too often can damage the skin

Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 16/08/2024

- 15:12

Women might be making skin care mistakes every day without realising it

Following a daily skin care routine nourishes the skin and has been shown to combat the signs of ageing.

However, some common tips and tricks could do more harm than good for your appearance.

This is according to a GP and aesthetic, skin and hair specialist at Este Medical Group Dr Keyana Emamian.

The doctor said the main culprit is using exfoliators too often as this is harsh on the skin.

Woman putting on face mask

Exfoliators should be used sparingly


She said: "Over-exfoliating our skin is one of the biggest mistakes people make as this can remove the barrier of your skin and damage it.

“Exfoliating is a key part of achieving a healthy complexion, but I would recommend once or twice a week maximum, and certainly not every day, as some people do."

Exfoliating can have some benefits for the skin, such as getting rid of dead skin cells, making it look brighter and even more youthful.

However, doing this every day can strip the skin's barrier so the doctor suggested limiting the use of these products.

Wearing an SPF every day is an important skin care step that most people have incorporated into their routine.

But if it is not yet in your routine, Dr Emamian said it is wise to start applying this every morning.

“Skipping sunscreen is another problem, it’s important to always remember how important it is to prevent damage from the sun’s UV rays," the expert warned.

“We should be applying sunscreen of SPF30 or above every day to block out the harmful rays that can lead to hyperpigmentation, lines and wrinkles, and skin cancer."

Middle-aged woman applying sunscreen

Sunscreen is key for anti-ageing, says a doctor


Dr Emamian's warning comes as an expert suggested looking for collagen and hyaluronic acid as ingredients in your skin care.

Founder and CEO of proto-col James Greenwell discussed the benefits of this for our appearance and overall health. He said: "Collagen is the body’s primary structural protein, playing a crucial role in providing structure to our skin, hair, and nails. It’s also found in connective tissues, bones, cartilage, muscles and blood vessels.

"This protein is essential for tissue repair, joint health and cell regeneration - essentially, everything that keeps our bodies firm, resilient and supple.

"In fact, collagen acts as the glue that holds us together. In the skin, up to 80 to 90 per cent of the protein present is collagen, predominantly type I, which can be derived from marine sources."