Four ways to look years younger without any products - 'tone, contour and decrease lines and wrinkles'

Facial massages can help you look younger

Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 22/09/2024

- 11:00

Looking younger goes beyond what you put on your face

Various lotions can be effective for younger-looking skin, but other factors are also worth taking into consideration.

Speaking to GB News, an expert shared how face massages, diet, sleep and water intake all affect your skin.

These things are easy or free to do but can make all the difference in how your skin ages.

This is according to leading aesthetics and skin care expert and co-founder of The Ardour Clinic Dr Paris Acharya.

Woman applying moisturiser

Massaging your face is an easy-to-do anti-ageing treatment


Regular facial massage

Dr Acharya said: "Regular massaging over the face and body can significantly reduce puffiness and swelling to enhance your natural contours.

"It’s an easy at-home method that has been shown to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and eye bags too.

"Facial massage is proven to increase skin oxygenation for a healthy glow, detoxify skin for increased brightness and exercise facial muscles to improve tone and contour.

"Regular massaging can also encourage cells to produce more collagen and elastin, which can lead to firmer, smoother skin and decreased lines and wrinkles."

Adopt a healthy sleep schedule

The expert continued: "Sleep can make or break your skin - if you don’t get enough hours of sleep in a night, it can impact your skin in many ways. For example, sleep helps with skin repair, hydration, elasticity and blood flow.

"Going to bed and waking up at consistent times each day helps regulate these rhythms, promoting better sleep quality. Sleep plays a crucial role in cognitive, mental and physical health."

Stay hydrated

Dehydration will cause wrinkles to look more prominent, so remember hydration starts from within. The expert highlighted: "You should always aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your skin hydrated and nourished.

Fruit and oats

A nutritious diet can help you look younger


Pay attention to your diet

What we eat is crucial for our health, weight management and the appearance of the skin, Dr Acharya continued.

She told GB News: "Always eat a nutrient-dense diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, lean proteins and complex carbohydrates, all of which play a huge part in maintaining healthy skin.

"If you're lacking key nutrients, consider adding supplements. ARTIS Regenerative Complex supplement is based on NAD+ to improve energy, longevity and skin health." If you would like to enhance your results with products, the doctor shared what ones to look out for.