'The five most effective ingredients' for keeping the hands smooth and protecting against signs of ageing

Apply SPF to your hands to prevent damage

Solen Le Net

By Solen Le Net

Published: 18/08/2024

- 09:00

GB News is speaking to skin care experts about the top ways to achieve your beauty goals. This week, they’ve shared nature's best ingredients for keeping the hands young over time

Many people are meticulous about their skin care routines, but their hands often end up ignored or forgotten.

They are the body part that endures the most exposure to elements like the sun, wind and water and are constantly used in day-to-day activity.

Laura Pucker, the CEO and founder of Pucker Up Beauty, told GB News: “Everything that happens to our hands causes collagen and elastin in the skin to deteriorate.

“These substances are very important for having firm and young-looking skin. As we grow older, this causes the skin to become thinner, wrinkles appear, and those annoying spots known as age spots show our age.”

ingredients hand health

Natural ingredients are effective in keeping the hands looking young


Hands sometimes reflect age more than any other body part but a few ingredients can combat these signs of ageing.

A handful of natural ingredients help keep the extremities as young as the face, neck and body.

Can signs of ageing be reversed?

Like the skin on the face, signs of ageing can be reversed on the hands with the help of an efficient skin care routine.

The natural ingredients will only make a difference if used consistently, however, so it's worth finding a regimen that's easy to stick to.

Remember, putting sunscreen on the hands is paramount for preventing further signs of ageing.

The best ingredients to combat ageing hands

The founder of Oil Divine, Snezhana Bogatin, shared: "I formulate a hand cream today, I will use shea butter, aloe vera, honey, bakuchiol, and vitamin C - the five most effective ingredients."

Each ingredient has a unique effect described below:

Shea butter: Shea butter is a superstar ingredient for the hydration of skin and is touted for its effectiveness in making tough hands soft and smooth.

Vitamin E: The potent elements in vitamin E oil do more than just defend the skin against harm from UV lights and dirty air. They can also promote the production of collagen.

Vitamin C: Brightens the skin, minimises dark spots, boosts collagen production, prevents wrinkles and has antioxidant properties.

Jojoba Oil: Jojoba oil is quick to penetrate the skin barrier without leaving the skin feeling excessively oily.

Retinol: Also known as vitamin A, this potent skin care ingredient is famous for making fine lines and age spots disappear. It also increases the amount of collagen and works to fix the outer layer of the skin.

Aloe vera: This hydrating plant has an unparalleled moisturising effect that is perfect for restoring hydration in the hands. It also comprises vitamins and minerals that support skin health and repair.


applying cream to hands

Apply SPF to your hands to prevent damage


Honey: The ingredient's humectant properties allow it to penetrate the skin and hydrate the underlying layers.

Bakuchiol: The ingredient is deemed a natural alternative to retinol that provides all the same benefits without the side effects. It stimulates cell turnover to replace older skin cells with younger-looking ones.

Jessica Iturzaeta, licensed aesthetician and founder of Simply Jess Skincare, stresses the importance of protecting hands during activities like driving.

She told GB News: “We are always exposed to the sun with our hands. I had a client who had skin cancer on her left hand because she drove so much and the sun hit that hand.

“Sun damage, always using our hands with water and certain types of work can lead to our hands showing signs of damage.

“We also forget we can treat our hands like the face. After applying your skin care products to the face, make sure to apply them to the hands, neck and decollete. Don’t foreign your SPF as well.”