'I’ve just turned 41 - a natural oil reduced the appearance of my wrinkles within weeks'


Tabitha swears by the anti-ageing effects of castor oil

Solen Le Net

By Solen Le Net

Published: 04/10/2024

- 21:00

The wellness enthusiast is one of many lauding the anti-ageing benefits of castor oil online

The internet is rife with anecdotes from wellness enthusiasts exploring natural alternatives to conventional beauty products. Many seem to be enjoying results with castor oil.

Content creator Tabitha Zavala recently shared her results with viewers after noticing rapid improvements with her wrinkles.

"I started rubbing castor oil, on my face at night, and most of my wrinkles are gone," she said.

"I use castor oil under my eyes, and on my forehead and I swear you guys, in a matter of a couple of weeks, you start to see the results."

The YouTuber swears by castor oil


Healthline cautions that while castor oil has several properties that may help reduce wrinkles, there is not yet any evidence to prove this claim.

According to the health body, however, some studies have shown that castor is an effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, both of which slow down the ageing process.

Castor oil is also rich in ricinoleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid known for its moisturising properties.

Naturally, having moisturised skin makes wrinkles less noticeable, though it won't stop them from forming.

In another clip, the wellness enthusiast delved deeper into her beauty routine.

She disclosed that alongside castor oil, she uses detoxing methods and a "natural botox called paracress".

This product has long been used in South American traditional medicine for its numbing and anaesthetic effects.

It comes as Sally, who runs the YouTube channel ‘Fabulous Over 50' recently shared her experience using castor oil as a moisturiser.

The content creator claimed she also noticed great improvements in her skin, adding: "I’m prone to dark under-eyes and puffiness, and bar surgery, what else is there for the under eyes?

"I have tried skin boosters [but] this stuff has been working its magic.


Castor oil in the bottleCastor oil is made from beans that grow on castor treesGETTY

"Using castor oil as a skin moisturising is the first thing that I did.

"It was the first thing that I saw instant results with, literally the next day. I looked in the mirror and my under eyes looked brilliant."

She warned users about the texture of the oil, however, explaining: “It is very, very thick and that can put a lot of people off.

"However, it has a lot of anti-fungal and a lot of anti-bacterial properties, which is why it’s so good if you have a breakout."

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