'The best way' to deter foxes from your garden - it 'stops them entering'

Fox in garden

Foxes can damage plants, leave droppings and eat produce

Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 16/08/2023

- 12:00

Updated: 16/08/2023

- 16:14

Foxes can damage plants, leave droppings and eat produce

Many Britons take pride in their gardens but their efforts can soon be damaged by unwanted visitors, such as foxes.

While it is difficult to stop the wild animal from wandering your garden, an expert shared the "best way" to deter them.

Speaking to GB News, head of Pro for Vivava and CJ Wildlife Eric Michels shared his top tips on keeping them away.

These include keeping the garden free of food and scattering spices in the garden.

Birds at birdfeeder in garden

If you have fallen fruit from a shrub or nuts and seeds from a bird feeder, you may find you have foxes visiting



“Like most animals, foxes are usually attracted to areas that offer a steady supply of food.

"If you have fallen fruit from a shrub or nuts and seeds from a bird feeder, you may find you have foxes visiting when darkness falls," he said.

Any food should be cleared quickly and kept out of reach to make the garden less inviting to foxes, he suggested.

Eric continued: "The best way to make your garden less appealing is to remove these food sources, so ensure bird feeders are kept elevated well out of reach of foxes, and clear up any seed spillages or fallen fruit immediately.

"If you have a pond, make sure it is covered with pond netting to protect the wildlife, and if you grow your own fruit and vegetables, make sure crops are well protected with fruit cages."

Having shelter in the garden will also make it more attractive to foxes. While removing shrubs in the garden might not be to everyone's taste, it could stop pests from entering the space.

Eric continued: "Shelter is a key factor, so gardens with mature trees or shrubs where they can hide and move around without being noticed will also make it more appealing.

"The best way to prevent foxes from lurking in the bushes is to check the perimeter of your fence and ensure it is secure, as this should stop them from entering in the first place."

Fox lying on grass

Foxes are attracted to gardens with food and shelter


There are a range of cupboard staples that can also help to keep foxes away.

Eric continued: "If you’re still seeing evidence of unwanted visitors at night, then you can humanely deter foxes by sprinkling certain spices around the perimeter of your space, such as cayenne pepper, peppermint and garlic, as the smell will put them off.

"You can also infuse the spices in boiling water, and then spritz around the garden as an additional repellent.

"Foxes are not fans of bright lights so installing an automatic light will help to scare them off."

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