Essential step to add to your shower routine for thicker and 'healthier hair from the root down'

Exfoliating the scalp will promote thicker growth

Solen Le Net

By Solen Le Net

Published: 21/06/2024

- 09:00

Removing dead skin cells from the scalp may promote shinier and thicker hair

Long, thick and shiny hair is the envy of thousands of people, and it may be achievable with good scalp care.

Hair texture is partially determined by genetic makeup and lifestyle. A good shower routine can also make a difference.

Many people report that exfoliating their scalp in the shower makes all the difference to the quality of their locks.

Exfoliants, both chemical and physical, slough off debris in ways that shampoos and conditioners can’t.

rubbing the scalp

Using a massage tool on the scalp will promote better blood flow


The aim is primarily to speed up cell turnover and ultimately stop cells and oils from building up on the scalp.

These imbalances are the root cause of irritation and inflammation affecting hair growth and thickness.

“Although the body naturally replaces dead skin cells with new skin cells, something it can use a little help in the form of exfoliation,” notes Healthline. “This is true even for the scalp.”

It warns that while the routine helps get “thicker, shinier” hair, there is a risk of overdoing it, tearing the skin, and in some cases, causing bleeds.

Limiting exfoliators to once per week can prevent damaging the skin barrier.

“Start small with a one-weekly scalp treatment, then expand to twice-weekly if desired,” says Healthline, adding that this is an “excellent way to see healthier hair from the root down.”

The health body states that there “are many scalp exfoliants you can make at home”.

People who suffer from dandruff can benefit from using a chemical-based exfoliant containing ingredients like BHA, salicylic acid and beta-hydroxy acid.

These products will ultimately improve how much moisture hair absorbs from the scalp, which is essential for shiny hair.

Using a scalp massage brush can also promote new growth by helping to dilate blood vessels beneath the skin.

Tammy, whose YouTube channel Tammy's Timeless Beauty looks at different lifestyle hacks for healthier hair, recently shared how she uses the tool.


Drying hair

Avoid rubbing wet hair as this may cause damage


“Scalp health is very important,” she said. “You should be using a clarifying shampoo that is colour-safe.

“I also use a scalp stimulator brush. I will massage my scalp quickly with this all the way around. What I’m doing is I’m helping to stimulate blood flow.

“You’ll see you’re stimulating blood flow [because] your face will get a little red, which is great for the roots of your head.”

The beauty enthusiast also stresses that you should not rub the hair strands dry with the towel, but rather “squeeze the water out” to prevent damage.