Women over 40 told to drink vegetable juice that is 'crucial' for healthy hair and preventing hair loss

A vegetable drink could be the secret to beautiful hair

Anna Barry

By Anna Barry

Published: 20/06/2024

- 12:31

Beet juice may be particularly beneficial for women going through menopause

A healthy, nutrient-rich diet will do more than benefit your waistline. Eating well can have a major impact on your hair's health and appearance.

A hair expert revealed that beet juice might be the secret to lavish locks. Nicole Petty said that incorporating this drink into your diet could encourage hair growth and prevent hair loss.

Nicole from Milk + Blush pointed to a study in Frontiers, which revealed the health benefits of drinking beet juice regularly.

The expert said: "The study, which analysed the effect of beet juice on heart health in post-menopausal women, found that drinking beet juice daily contributed to better blood flow and circulation."

Beet juice

Women going through menopause might want to start drinking beet juice for hair health benefits


But drinking beet juice may also have the secondary benefit of improving the look of a woman's hair post-menopause.

Another way women can improve the look of their hair is by weeding out ageing hairstyles.

Women were told the hairstyle they need to "stop" wearing now as "it can go so wrong".

Speaking about beet juice benefits, Nicole continued: "According to the study, drinking beet juice was shown to stimulate the production of nitric oxide, which is not only effective for reducing blood pressure but also improves blood flow.

"Enhanced blood flow ensures better delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles, which is crucial for healthy hair growth and preventing hair loss. Even popular hair loss medication minoxidil, also known as Rogaine, is thought to be effective for reversing hair loss thanks to its ability to stimulate nitric oxide.

"Particularly for women going through menopause - over 40 per cent of whom will experience hair loss - drinking beet juice regularly could be especially beneficial. However, everyone can benefit from improved blood flow."

The expert provided a top tip for women and men considering upping their beet juice intake for its hair health benefits.

"If you’re looking to introduce beet juice into your daily routine, make sure you’re avoiding any juices high in sugar or with plenty of additives, or simply make your own beet juice from raw beetroot," she warned.

Beet juice isn't the only hair-boosting food or drink that can benefit your locks. The expert shared other ingredients that "boost your nitric oxide", from dark leafy greens like spinach, bok choi and kale - which are great sources of dietary nitrate - to citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit and lemon.

Nicole added: "Iron, selenium and zinc are also crucial for maintaining hair health and getting a strong oxygen supply to your follicles, while vitamins B, D and E will help prevent excessive hair shedding.


Woman with blonde hair

'Enhanced blood flow ensures better delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles'


"So, make sure you’re also getting in your other nutrients with a balanced diet."

For women who are keen to upgrade their hairdo, GB News shared the best recipes for perfect hair, including the ideal breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert to transform your locks from lacklustre to lavish.

Alice Dawkins from Milk + Blush told GB News: "One of the easiest and most beneficial ways to keep your hair healthy is ensuring you’re eating the right foods.

"Age, genetics and diet all play a key role in hair health, but with only one in your control, subtle changes in your food intake can go a long way to thicker, fuller locks."