Peace lily placement tip to keep it from drooping during hot summer months

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Peace lilies can thrive outside

Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 18/08/2024

- 10:38

Peace lilies should be kept out of direct sunlight

Keeping plants alive can be more difficult in the hot, summer months.

A gardening expert shared how putting your houseplants outside could help them survive the hot weather, especially when you are on holiday.

Moving plants outside is a good hack for keeping peace lilies alive if you are not there to tend to them, or if they need extra attention.

Gardening expert and founder of Gardeners Dream Craig Wilson said: “Many plants known as houseplants, can actually thrive outdoors too.

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Moving peace lilies outside can help them survive if you are away


"With the chances of rain in the UK usually pretty high, rehoming your indoor plants in the garden while you are away on holiday is a good way to keep them watered and alive.”

He discussed how this would work for different plants, including the popular houseplant, peace lilies.

If putting them outside, the placement is key. Make sure to keep out of direct sunlight.

“The peace lily also requires the nighttime temperatures to be above 13C consistently to be able to thrive outdoors," Craig added.

"Peace lilies should be placed in an area of your garden that is shaded, as lots of direct sun is likely to burn their leaves.”

Peace lilies need plenty of water so a drip feeder may be required if it is not forecast to rain when you are doing this.

The expert continued: “Peace lilies are susceptible to drying out and need plenty of water to keep them from drooping.

"We can almost guarantee at least one spell of rain in a week, however, if the UK weather conditions don’t seem like they’ll be wet enough, add a drip feeder to your peace lily to ensure the soil remains consistently moist whilst you are away.”

peace lilies

Experts shared tips on caring for houseplants


One hormone, gibberellin, can help enhance seed germination of peace lilies. The expert explained: “If you’re wondering why peace lilies are always in flower when you buy them, no matter the time of year, it’s down to a plant hormone called gibberellin.

“So nurseries who grow these plants by the millions, treat peace lilies with a spray called gibberellin, which is a plant hormone that prompts the flowers to come whatever the time of year.

“That’s why when you bring your peace lily home it may stop flowering and not flower for a while because it is no longer being supplied.

“In the wild where these plants grow, in South America, they will generally be flowering around July, but they are not going to flower all year round for you unless you happen to have a supply of gibberellin on supply."

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