In the garden with GB News: Daisies - everything you need to brighten up your garden with daisies

Daisies can cheer up the garden

Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 24/05/2024

- 08:30

Updated: 24/07/2024

- 11:09

GB News is sharing everything you need to know about how to help the flowers in your garden flourish. This week, we look at how to grow daisies

Daisies are cheerful flowers that can certainly brighten up your garden this summer.

GB News shares how to help daisies thrive in your outdoor space with all the best tips on planting and growing.

Everything to know about caring for daisies

Planting daisies

Gardeners must choose the right daisies for their garden to give them the best chance of success, according to a plant expert from True Green Nursery Andy Tait.

Popular types include:

Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum): Known for their large white blooms and yellow centres, Shasta daisies are perennial and bloom from early summer to autumn.

Daisies in a field

Experts shared tips for growing daisies


Oxeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare): These wildflowers have a similar appearance to Shasta daisies but are typically smaller and less robust.

Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera jamesonii): Known for their vibrant colours, Gerbera daisies are often grown as annuals in cooler climates.

African Daisy (Osteospermum): These daisies come in various colours, including pink, purple, and blue, and thrive in sunny conditions.

Spring is a great time to plant daisies and homeowners can begin by growing daisy seeds indoors for six to eight weeks before the last expected frost.

"This gives the seedlings a head start and ensures they are strong enough to be transplanted outdoors when the weather warms up," Andy continued.

"You can also plant young daisy plants or transplants outdoors in the spring after the danger of frost has passed. This is typically from late March to May, depending on your region."

Choose well-drained soil and plant in a sunny part of the garden as daisies are more likely to thrive in these conditions.

If sowing daisy seeds indoors, fill seed trays or pots with a quality seed-starting mix and sow the seeds on the surface, lightly covered by a thin layer of soil. Andy added: "Keep the soil moist and place the trays in a warm, sunny spot or under grow lights. Germination typically takes 10 to 14 days."

Caring for daisies

It is important to give them plenty of water initially and water them during particularly long, hot and dry spells. Co-founder of GreenPal Gene Caballero shared tips on caring for the plants in your garden.

He told GB News: "Once mature, daisies are relatively drought-resistant but will benefit from occasional watering during prolonged dry periods. Throughout the growing season, fertilise lightly in spring and regularly remove spent flowers to encourage new blooms.

"As autumn approaches, cut back the foliage after the first frost to keep the plant tidy."

Daisies in a field

Daisies thrive in sunny areas


Daisy care timeline


Planting: As the weather starts to heat up, Britons can plant daisies in the garden or transfer plants that have been grown inside to the garden.


Watering: Water daisies regularly during hot weather so the soil stays moist, but not waterlogged.


Planting: Like spring, daisies can be sown into the ground in early autumn. This allows them to establish and bloom the following year.

Pruning: Cut daisies back after the first frost to prepare for winter.


Mulch: Perennial daisies can be cared for in winter by mulching loosely around each daisy plant to protect against harsh winter conditions.

Looking for more gardening tips? Read our guide on how to grow colourful poppies in your garden. GB News also shares everything you need to know about growing tomatoes.