Natural ingredients make 'highly effective and promising ant repellent' when used around 'entry points' in your home

Ants can be warded off with scents that they dislike

Solen Le Net

By Solen Le Net

Published: 03/06/2024

- 16:28

Updated: 03/06/2024

- 18:15

Natural oils may be a safer alternative to chemical-laden pesticides

All pests can be a nuisance throughout the year, but the main culprits during summer are flies and ants.

According to the Journal of Bioassays, several ingredients make great alternatives to conventional pesticides because they are less harmful than store-bought products.

Research published in the journal showed that when used as a repellent, herbal extracts were "highly effective" at keeping insects away.

This may help households where ants destroy agricultural products and store foods.

cinnamon sticks

Ants have an aversion to cinnamon


The study found that plant extract mixtures including cucumber-mint (100 per cent), lemon-garlic, and all plant mixture extracts at 10 per cent worked to keep ants away.

The conclusion stated: “It was found to be a highly effective and promising ant repellent.”

Experts at Pest UK warn that ant colonies become more active as the weather gets warmer.

With plants in full bloom, spring signals that more food is available, sending ants to wander around in search of it.

“Ants are cold-blooded insects so their body temperature is influenced by the environment,” says Pest UK. “Warmer temperatures provide them with the necessary energy to be active and forage for food.”

Once the pests start reproducing, they will expand their colony, creating a problem for many homeowners.

“As they reproduce they will expand their nest to accommodate the growing population,” added Pest UK.

If you are able to figure out the entry points around the home, you can line these areas with repellents to keep the insects out.

Essential oils not only work as a repellent against ants but are effective for keeping rodents away.

Pest Control expert Robert Collins previously told GB News that peppermint, eucalyptus and citronella essential oils are some of the safest repellants around.


ant on leaf

Ant colonies typically grow during the warmer months


According to Pest Control Expert Robert Collins, peppermint, eucalyptus and citronella essential are some of the safest repellents around.

“The strong smell of these oils can easily dissuade rats,” noted Collins. “Simply mix together your chosen essential oil in a spray bottle.

“The mixture should consist of one part essential oil and nine parts water.

"Then spray this mixture around the edges of your garden and in any space that you may suspect is a habitat for the rats."