In the garden with GBN: Help your houseplants thrive with a shower hack that 'dislodges potential pests'

Houseplants need several specific conditions to grow
Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 10/01/2025

- 15:00

Updated: 13/01/2025

- 13:54

GB News is sharing everything you need to know to grow and care for the plants in your garden and home. This week, we share how to look after the most popular houseplants

Houseplants bring some life indoors year-round and simple care tips can be applied to many of the most popular plants.

Speaking to GB News, an expert outlined five important care tips for thriving plants this year.

President of The Blissful Place Jennifer Cassels highlighted regularly rotating plants, showering them and monitoring temperature as some of her most important tips.

She explained: "Some of the most popular plants in the home include pothos, fiddle-leaf fig, and the monstera deliciosa. Although each has specific requirements, advanced care methods can improve their health and growth.

cheese plant

Cheese plants are popular with homeowners and they thrive with the right care


Rotate for uniform growth

The expert said this needs to be done regularly to ensure an even intake of light. Jennifer said: "Houseplants like monstera and fiddle-leaf figs are phototropic, meaning they grow towards light.

"Rotate the pot 90 degrees weekly to ensure balanced growth and a symmetric shape. Neglecting this can lead to lopsided plants with weak stems."

Shower for dust removal

Dusting plants is good for their health as it gives them more space for photosynthesis and produces energy. Giving them a gentle rinse can also ensure even better results.

The expert added: "Dust buildup on leaves reduces light absorption. For plants with large leaves, such as the monstera, rinse them gently using lukewarm shower water every four to six weeks.

"This also helps dislodge potential pests like spider mites in their early stages."

Ensure temperature consistency

Jennifer said: "Pothos and most tropical houseplants dislike fluctuating temperatures, especially cold drafts. Avoid placing them near exterior doors, windows or heating vents.

"Maintaining a stable temperature between 65°F and 75°F (18°C to 24°C) can prevent stress-induced yellowing leaves."

Match the soil and planter to the plant type
The same soil will not be optimal for different houseplants, so be mindful of what you use when repotting.
The gardening pro added: "Fiddle-leaf figs thrive in well-draining soil paired with a planter that has multiple drainage holes.


Snake plant

You must use the right soil for your plant


"Ceramic or terracotta pots are ideal as they can prevent overwatering by allowing excess moisture to escape.

"Ensure there’s a saucer underneath to catch any runoff. Using pots without proper drainage often leads to root rot, a frequent issue for this species."

Time fertiliser applications according to lighting levels

The expert concluded: "For plants like pothos, fertilise once every two to three months in lower light conditions.

"Under stronger light exposure, increase feeding to monthly. Over-fertilising in reduced light leads to salt buildup, risking root damage."