Plants expert names top four ‘fast growers’ including one that 'puts out new leaves every week'

Monstera plants are among the fastest growers

Solen Le Net

By Solen Le Net

Published: 04/11/2024

- 09:00

Four plants are the perfect addition for those easer to transform their homes into green havens

Fast-growing houseplants offer a swift solution for those eager to add a tropical touch to their interior.

Certain varieties revered for their rapid growth are ideal for novice plant fans seeking quick results.

According to one houseplant aficionado, four plants can fill a room with foliage in no time, with some putting out new leaves on a weekly basis.

The tip comes from houseplant aficionado Kaitlyn + Plants, who claimed the latest additions to her collection are “growing like crazy”.

Monstera plants The Monstera plant needs a lot of light to produce perforations GETTY

Listing the product on her TikTok, Kaitlyn mentioned the four following plants:

  • Monstera plants “Mine puts out 3-ish leaves a month,” said Kaitlyn.
  • Monstera Dubia “Monstera Dubia puts out a new leaf every week and a half,” the plant enthusiast noted.
  • Spider plant “Mine isn’t even a year old and it started as just a small baby,” said Kaitlyn.
  • Monstera Adansonii Kaitlyn shared: “Monstera Adansonii - they are also really easy to prop.”

Proper positioning and moisture control can further promote the development of these plants, so make sure you enquire about their specific needs.

Despite being native to the rainforests of Central and South America, Monstera plants have become popular worldwide.

Proper lighting is crucial for encouraging Monstera plants to grow large green leaves with fenestrations.

Sarah K Benning, a Monstera enthusiast, offers expert advice on optimal placement. She recommended positioning these plants near windows covered by sheer curtains.

Monstera plantsThe monstera plant needs a lot of light to produce perforationsGETTY

"Monsteras thrive in bright indirect light," Benning states on her blog.

"This plant has lived between South and West facing windows covered by thin curtains for the past four years."

This strategic placement has yielded impressive results.

Benning shared: "These lighting conditions have allowed the plant to grow enormous leaves with lots of fenestrations."