Woman, 56, drops 8st and six dress sizes during 'life-changing' weight loss transformation

A woman shared her incredible transformation

Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 10/06/2024

- 12:10

One woman lost nearly half her body weight with the help of a diet plan change

A slimmer dropped from 18 stone to 9st 10lb and went down six dresses sizes wih the help of a diet plan change.

Elaine Johnson, 56, from north Lincolnshire said she achieved her impressive results after trying and failing various diet plans.

The mother-of-two had always struggled with her weight but noticed the pounds pile on after she quit smoking and replaced cigarettes with snacking.

She said: "I stopped smoking 16 years ago, at 40. I started gaining weight immediately after. I was emotionally eating to cope with the absence of cigarettes, replacing one habit with another."

Woman with pint before weight loss

She lost nearly half her body weight


The slimmer would often skip breakfast but fill up on snacks such as crisps and chocolate throughout the day.

She said: "I would eat a lot of my own cake creations, along with crisps and chocolate bars between meals.

"Sometimes, I'd eat six chocolate bars in one go. I never ate breakfast and I snacked on junk food instead. Lunch was a sandwich with crisps and more chocolate, and dinner was typically home-cooked, like spaghetti bolognese, but with huge portions."

Elaine tried everything, including various diet plans and a botched gastric band, but struggled to achieve success.

However, she was inspired to try again after seeing the results of people who had lost weight on Facebook.

She followed a healthy diet during her weight loss transformation. She also had gastric sleeve surgery at Weight Loss Riga in Latvia.

Gastric sleeve surgery can be used to help those who are extremely overweight but the decision to get one should not be made lightly. Britons are urged to consult a doctor before making a decision.

Her diet completely changed after this as she swapped sweet treats for balanced meals.

Woman after weight loss wearing dress

The slimmer changed her diet plan as part of her weight loss


"Lunch might be a light sandwich if I'm not too busy in the kitchen. Dinner is a small portion of a home-cooked meal, focusing on protein like chicken or fish with vegetables.

“I don’t have to eat diet food, just smaller portions. I no longer indulge in my own creations and just have small nibbles of chocolate here and there."

Elaine described her weight loss transformation as "life-changing".