Woman drops an incredible 1st 6lb and loses 18in with diet where 'no food is off limits'

An expert discusses protein and fibre

Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 26/05/2024

- 06:00

Updated: 29/05/2024

- 08:18

One woman shared how she lost weight and improved the quality of her life

A slimmer has more energy than ever after losing 1st 6lb without putting firm restrictions on any foods.

Lauren Y had been prescribed weight loss aids but wanted to achieve her results naturally.

However, it is not always easy to know where to start when trying to make such a big transformation.

Lauren enlisted the help of a coach at the weight loss counselling service Working Against Gravity.

Woman before/after weight loss

A woman shared her huge weight loss transformation


The dieter said: "I have lost about 1st 6lb and 18 inches. I have also gone from regularly taking five prescription medications to just two, and am hoping to reduce or stop one of those soon as well, with my doctor’s approval.

"Right off the bat, something about WAG felt different to me, it felt right.

"I was matched with an amazing coach who is uplifting and encouraging, who empowers me to take an active role in the process and is genuinely invested in me."

Lauren changed her diet and upped her exercise regime - adding heavier weights to her workouts at the gym.

Lifting weights builds muscle and strength and can also help increase the metabolism. Our metabolisms are responsible for burning calories and fat in the body.

Lauren also looked at what macronutrients she was eating - including eating plenty of protein - while not putting huge restrictions on what she would consume.

She added: "A huge positive of WAG is that no food is 'off limits' but can be properly balanced to fit my macros, and enjoyed with a healthy mindset.

"I feel empowered to choose foods that fuel my body, without feeling guilty over treats, which is much easier to sustain and gives me so much hope for a future of many healthy years ahead."

Restrictive diets can often be difficult to stick to and lead to people giving up completely. Incorporating the occasional treat into your daily routine, however, can make a diet plan easier to stick to.


Weights at the gym

She had more energy to lift heavier weights as she slimmed down


Not only did Lauren lose weight, but she has more energy to push herself in the gym and her mood has improved.

She added: "I can see changes in my body, and count them on the scale and with a measuring tape, but nothing beats how much better I feel. I have more endurance in the gym and am hitting heavier lifts, even while cutting weight.

"I have more energy for my family and our busy schedule. I sleep better, my body recovers better. I generally just feel better in my skin."