'I lost 8st in a year - one food swap in my meals meant I could still enjoy big portions and see success'

Chloe Murphy before and after weight loss transformation

A slimmer who lost 8st shared one of her top weight loss strategies

Chloe Murphy / YouTube / Pinch of Chloe
Anna Barry

By Anna Barry

Published: 23/10/2024

- 18:30

Updated: 23/10/2024

- 18:45

A slimmer achieved her incredible transformation by piling her plates high with vegetables

Small changes to your lifestyle can make a big difference over time if you want to lose weight.

A woman who shed a whopping 8st in one year shared some of the tweaks she implemented to see results. She advised fellow slimmers to pile their plates high with veggies so they could still enjoy sizable portions.

Chloe Murphy (known as Pinch of Chloe on YouTube and Instagram) shared one change she made to achieve her incredible transformation.

If you have a lot of weight to lose, cutting down your portion sizes is a good place to start, as long as you are doing it healthily and ensuring you are still eating enough.

Chloe Murphy

During her weight loss journey, Chloe 'packed her meals out with tonnes of veg and tonnes of salad'

YouTube / Pinch of Chloe

Chloe revealed that she struggled to reduce her portion sizes because she was used to eating big meals.

However, she found that adding more of one type of food meant she could still pile her plates high.

She was able to see results when she swapped large quantities of carbs and fats for large quantities of veggies.

The slimmer said that she "packed her meals out with tonnes of veg and tonnes of salad, so it still looks like you've got a lot but it's actually more of the good stuff and less of the carby or fatty stuff".

She continued: "You're still having those decent portions and you're not going hungry, but you're not overindulging to the point that you feel sick. That's key because any diet works best when you're in a calorie deficit."

Experts at Mayo Clinic said: "Most vegetables are very low in calories but high in volume or weight. Most vegetables contain water and fibre, which provides weight without calories. Examples include salad greens, asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli and zucchini."

Weight loss experts also tend to advocate for protein-rich diets, so it's worth upping your protein intake as well as you're veggie consumption if you're hoping to see results.

Indeed, a woman who lost a whopping 10st, revealed that eating more protein is her top weight loss tip.


Chloe slimmed down by 'packing her meals with tonnes of vegetables'


TikTok creator Cheeks explained: "Protein will keep you feeling fuller for longer, and when you're on a weight loss journey, that's going to help."

As well as making you feel more satiated - and therefore less likely to reach for unhealthy snacks - protein helps to build and maintain muscle mass.

The best high-protein sources include beans, peas and lentils, nuts and seeds, lean meats, fish, dairy products and soy products.

Chloe shared a second tip for those embarking on a weight loss journey, explaining that the "key" to seeing results is a specific "routine".

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