Doctor who shed more than 7st shares how many steps to walk per day to zap fat - and it's less than 10,000

Personal trainer Omar Ellaboudy shares the best exercises for weight loss
Anna Barry

By Anna Barry

Published: 06/01/2025

- 15:26

The expert explained the importance of a "high basal activity"

Walking is hailed as an effective weight loss strategy and 10,000 steps is often considered the magic number for fat burn.

However, while 10,000 steps is an excellent daily goal for those looking to slim down and improve their health, according to one expert, excellent results can be achieved with fewer daily steps.

Doctor Emi (known as @doctor.emi on TikTok) took to the sharing platform with some crucial tips for the ultimate fat burn "from a doctor who lost 100lb [7st 2lb]".

Sharing the "basic things anyone should be doing to lose fat", the expert advised: "Make sure that your basal activity is high - at least 8,500 steps a day or the equivalent.

Women walking / Dr Emi

'Make sure that your basal activity is high - at least 8,500 steps a day or the equivalent'

GETTY IMAGES / TikTok / @doctor.emi

"That will help you burn more fat when you eat and burn more fat when you exercise."

Fitness expert Annika (known as @fitnessbyanni) explained that your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is "the number of calories to keep your body functioning at rest".

The health experts at Holland and Barrett added: "An individual’s BMR can vary depending on certain factors, including height, weight, genetics, body composition, age and gender.

"For example, muscle burns more calories at rest than fat. So, if you have more muscle than fat, then your BMR will be higher than someone with more body fat."

For those looking to walk as a slimming tactic, a former athlete shared how to burn more calories on a walk to lose weight faster.

Ivana Chapman recommended "increasing the intensity" of your walks to maximise calorie burn.

She said: "You can also try working at different levels. You can try hiking, which is something I love to do. It's a little bit more challenging and a little bit more fun."

A hike, as defined by World Expeditions, "tends to be longer and harder walks, usually on trails through the mountains or through bush or countryside terrain".

Couple walking

A high basal activity 'will help you burn more fat when you eat and burn more fat when you exercise'


Experts explained: "The trails are generally visible, but not the smooth surfaces of a walk. Hikes tend to be longer than walks and require proper equipment and footwear, as terrain and trails are more rugged."

As well as getting at least 8,500 steps per day, Dr Emi advised drinking more water - "unless you have some sort of contraindication to drinking a lot of water like kidney disease or heart disease".

For those who can up their water intake, the expert advised aiming for half an ounce to an ounce of water per kilogram of their body weight.

Drinking water is an excellent weight loss tactic as it may naturally suppress your appetite, stimulate your metabolism and boost your workouts.