'It will take you a lot further!' Britons can lose weight with easy exercise tip that promises better weight loss results

'It will take you a lot further!' Britons can lose weight with easy exercise tip that promises better weight loss results

Personal trainer Omar Ellaboudy shares why you should exercise with others

Anna Barry

By Anna Barry

Published: 21/06/2024

- 13:23

Updated: 21/06/2024

- 13:33

Exercising with a friend or as part of a larger group will foster motivation and reap excellent weight loss benefits

While keeping active is essential for those who want to lose weight and be fit and healthy, exercise can often feel like a chore.

A personal trainer spoke exclusively to GB News about how Britons can slim down with an effortless workout tip that makes keeping active more enjoyable and motivating. Without exercising more or doing harder workouts, the expert advised that bringing a friend along will "take you a lot further" on your weight loss journey.

Omar Ellaboudy told slimmers to "just get up and start moving", as "our bodies are designed to move".

The expert encouraged Britons who are on a weight loss journey to be active for an hour a day, and avoid sitting down too much looking at a screen or scrolling through social media.

Omar Ellaboudy / Friends exercising together

A personal trainer gave slimmers a top workout tip

Omar Ellaboudy / GETTY IMAGES

The personal trainer shared the three staple exercises that will torch fat and "really burn some calories".

His "number one" is running. Omar said: "As long as you don't have an injury, the easiest thing you can do is run.

"It's not the most enjoyable, but anyone can do it. It's free, it can be done at any time, anywhere. For me, running is number one, just because of how accessible it is."

Omar continued: "With an hour [of exercise] per day combined with removing sugar and alcohol, you'll be well on your way to a healthier lifestyle - and then you can look at different ways to progress, like personal training or joining a circuits class."

To make your weight loss journey easier, Omar advised bringing a friend or loved one along for workouts.

He said: "Doing it with someone is way more enjoyable than doing it by yourself. You have each other to bounce off of, and subtly you might have a bit of competition which is perfectly okay."

Exercising with others may also keep you accountable. If you have plans to work out with another person or a larger group, you won't want to let your fellow slimmers down by skipping a session.

Joining a wider exercise community is a great option for those who are serious about their weight loss goals. In the circuit classes he runs, Omar has found that a group of slimmers working towards a shared goal can be "elevating".

He said: "They all bounce off of each other. They all use a group chat to post their workouts and little achievements, and everyone gives them feedback.

"You can see that the people who invest their time into the group by posting their stuff make a bigger change because it motivates them to carry on.


Women walking together

'You have each other to bounce off of, and subtly you might have a bit of competition which is perfectly okay'


"Joining a community or picking up a friend and doing it with someone is definitely going to take you a lot further".

Another way Britons can torch fat is by revamping their unhealthy diets.

The expert claimed that slimmers can "shift at least two to three dress sizes" by eliminating an unhealthy ingredient and drink.

A woman shared how she shed 12st 8lb with the help of five helpful hacks in the kitchen.

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