Eating more of one food group 'works wonders' for weight loss - 'reduce your hunger and eat fewer calories'

High protein foods / woman's abs

Eating more of one food group 'works wonders' for weight loss

Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 17/07/2024

- 10:09

Eating foods high in protein will "work wonders" for those trying to lose weight

Protein is one of the best macronutrients to reach for if looking to burn fat or build muscle.

Speaking exclusively to GB News, a nutritionist dispels common misconceptions about the food group and explains why everyone should add more to their diets.

Confusion around protein and what it does may lead people to eat less than is optimal for their body, according to qualified nutritionist for Myprotein Jamie Wright.

He told GB News: "Protein has been relegated to an afterthought for many of us, believing that it is only something worth considering if you are a hulking great bodybuilder or standing barely clothed ready for a photo shoot for a popular health magazine.

Woman eating protein bar while runningEating foods high in protein will help slimmers to feel fuller for longer GETTY

"The health and fitness industry has unfortunately fed into this trope and it has led to a reputation which does dietary protein a terrible disservice.

"The truth is, dietary protein is probably the greatest, and most underrated, element of our diet that can uphold our health, make weight loss and maintaining that loss relatively seamless and help us to retain if not develop lean muscle mass."

How does it work?

One of the key benefits of protein is that it has been proven to help Britons feel fuller for longer, meaning they could be less likely to overeat.

Jamie continued: "When it comes to weight loss, protein works wonders in a variety of ways. Firstly, higher protein meals (and diets overall) enhance the feeling of fullness and reduce hunger, leading to lower overall calorie intake.

"This effect is due to protein's influence on appetite-regulating hormones like ghrelin and GLP-1. It's also worth noting that protein has a higher thermic effect compared to carbohydrates and fats, meaning the body expends more energy digesting and metabolising protein.

"This can lead to a modest but potentially significant increase in overall energy expenditure - making it ultimately easier to lose weight."

It is also important for anyone looking to build and maintain muscle mass - something that we naturally lose over the years.


Chicken saladAdding protein to every meal is good for weight loss GETTY

Jamie added: "A final important point to make when bumping up your protein intake when losing weight is the impact it has on preserving all important lean muscle mass.

"Preserving lean muscle mass is crucial for maintaining metabolic rate and preventing the body from entering a state of reduced energy expenditure.

"This can be directly as you have less of the more energetically demanding lean muscle tissue but also due to changes in exercise performance and the reduction of energy output associated with that."

The expert explained exactly how much protein slimmers should eat every day for the best results.

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