Woman credits daily habit for impressive weight loss transformation achieved in '3 months'


Maddie vouches for the benefits of walking

Solen Le Net

By Solen Le Net

Published: 05/10/2024

- 11:00

Content creators are showcasing the transformative effects of walking online

Although it’s clear that eating less and exercising more is the antidote for weight loss, motivation remains a massive hurdle.

Those who find workouts too big an undertaking may benefit from a simple daily activity instead; walking.

Getting your steps in first thing in the morning can be an excellent way to overcome weight loss, and many content creators have vouched for this approach online.

Social media is brimming with anecdotes from individuals who have walked their way to a slimmer waistline.


Maddie lost weight within three months thanks to walking


Maddie Brookes, a content creator on TikTok, recently flaunted her impressive results after undertaking a daily walking regimen of 9.3 miles (15km).

This amounts to a total of 30,000 steps per day, which is 20,000 more than most health professionals for optimal health.

But the TikToker claims that upping her step count to this number helped her achieve her dream body within just three months.

Experts believe that as a form of exercise, walking can promote better weight loss than other forms of movement because it is so accessible.

For those who face the perpetual challenge of getting enough steps in, TikToker @Alexx.Fitt has shared a simple, yet effective hack.

“I lost over 40 lbs and the number one thing that keeps me motivated is when I wake up in the morning, I will never go downstairs in my pyjamas," she said.

“I will always have workout clothes, or some form of active clothes ready, and set out the night before so when I wake up, I just put them on first thing in the morning.”

Working towards your step count first thing in the morning helps avoid the risk of losing willpower throughout the day.

Andrew R. Jagim, Ph.D., director of sports medicine research at Mayo Clinic, said: “While the origination of the 10,000-a-day was a bit speculative and rather arbitrary in nature, there have since been several publications demonstrating a relationship between higher levels of daily step counts and reductions in premature death from any cause.”


Treadmill workoutWalking on an incline is effective for weight loss GETTY

People who walk between 10,00 and 30,000 steps a day often reported enhanced sleep quality as well.

According to the NHS, the best way to reach these numbers is by making walking a habit. Ways you can do this include:

  • Walking part of your journey to work
  • Walking to the shops
  • Using the stairs instead of the lift
  • Leaving the car behind for short journeys
  • Walking the kids to school
  • Doing a regular walk with a friend
  • Going for a stroll with family or friends after dinner.

“You do not have to walk for hours,” the health body adds. “A brisk 10-minute daily walk has lots of health benefits and counts towards your 150 minutes of weekly exercise.”

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