'Your weight will thank you!' Doctor shares liquid hack that's the 'easiest' way to slim down

Personal trainer Omar Ellaboudy shares the best diet habits for weight loss
Anna Barry

By Anna Barry

Published: 23/12/2024

- 14:15

What you drink may be as important as what you eat on a weight loss journey

Considering what you eat is vital if you're looking to lose weight, but what many slimmers fail to recognise is the importance of managing your liquid calories too.

It's very easy to drink your calories without realising by sipping on syrupy coffees, fizzy drinks, juices, milkshakes and high-calorie alcohol. But according to one doctor, this could be detrimental to your waistline.

Dr Terry Simpson MD (@drterrysimpson) took to TikTok to share how slimmers can shrink their waistlines with a liquid hack.

He said: "One of the easiest tips to help you lose weight is not to drink your calories."

Sugary drinks

Drinks that are laden with sugar are no good as part of a weight loss diet


He advised finding drinks to sip on that aren't "sugar-filled" drinks, promising that "your weight will thank you for it".

Another doctor seconded this, naming the high-calorie beverage that is "probably one of the worst things for you".

Dr Erik Richardson explained that sugary drinks have a "strong association with weight gain".

Providing a warning to slimmers, he said: "One study I read a while back showed that one can a day of a non-diet soda can put on about 10lb on the average person in a year."

Sugary drinks are often packed with empty calories that provide little to no nutritional value and do not keep the body full.

Consequently, those who enjoy these types of drinks do not feel satiated, causing them to reach for snacks throughout the day - and not always healthy ones.

Instead of enjoying sugary, fizzy drinks, slimmers should consider drinking plenty of water throughout the day, as this is hailed as a very effective weight loss strategy.

Water has a myriad of weight loss benefits. Not only is it zero-calorie, it naturally suppresses your appetite, stimulates your metabolism and improves workouts by reducing fatigue.

Woman holding a glass of water and lemon

Water has a myriad of weight loss benefits including appetite suppression and stimulating the metabolism


As for how much water an individual should be drinking daily, six to eight glasses is typically recommended.

For women in menopause specifically looking to lose weight, an expert shared the exact quantity to slim down.

Britons can also lose weight with the hot drink you can make in minutes. A nutritionist described it as "one of the healthiest drinks on the planet".

Another way to lose weight is by revamping your diet to include foods that "enhance fat-burning" and reduce hunger.