'I lost 8st in just 8 months - adding four superfoods to my diet made the weight loss possible'

Changing your lifestyle can result in drastic weight loss

Solen Le Net

By Solen Le Net

Published: 03/12/2024

- 10:45

Updated: 03/12/2024

- 10:51

The slimmer's approach underscores how small lifestyle adjustments can lead to dramatic body transformations

There are countless ways to achieve weight loss but the most comprehensive approaches generally take time to work.

Occasionally, slimmers manage to lose a drastic amount of weight in a short space of time with the right tools.

A TikToker named Kerry (@ketowithkerry) lost eight stone in just eight months after adding flaxseeds, chia seeds, coconut oil and Celtic salts to her diet.

In a recent clip, she revealed that specific ingredients and lifestyle changes helped her reach her goals.


Kerry credits four ingredients for her weight loss


Her method combined the carefully selected superfoods with simple daily habits like walking.

“I lost over 8st in eight months and you can do it, here are some of the ingredients that made it possible,” she explained.

Coconut oil became a staple in Kerry’s diet after she discovered the ingredients' “unreal” health benefits.

“Use Celtic salts to balance your electrolytes, there are 82 minerals,” she added.

The weight loss champion credited chia seeds and flaxseeds as fantastic dietary additions to support digestion and general health.

Beyond eating healthier ingredients, Kerry’s transformation underscored the importance of daily movement for weight loss.

In a separate clip, she advocated for a “20-minute” daily walk, suggesting that people should “find something you like the look of and go and see it daily”.

She also shared that intermittent fasting played a crucial role in her success, explaining that it “allows the body to have a little break, rejuvenate and regenerate”.


Kerry ate more superfoods to support her digestion


“Make sure you’re eating a low carb, moderate protein, high healthy fats diet as it helps you to become fat adapted, where you’re burning fat for fuel rather than glucose,” Kerry also noted.

When combined, these simple lifestyle changes can form a cornerstone for successful weight loss, but what works for one person may not necessarily work for the next.

As a rule of thumb, dieters should strive for nutritional balance complemented with a healthy lifestyle.

The NHS advised getting active for “150 minutes a week”. It added: 2Aims to get your five A Day - 80g of fresh, canned or frozen fruit or vegetables count as one portion.”