'I lost 2st 12lb with the help of a solid habit that always guarantees results on the scales'

Chelsea before and after

Chelsea has maintained her weight by upping her vegetable intake

Solen Le Net

By Solen Le Net

Published: 01/09/2024

- 15:00

A slimmer has explained why eating more vegetables supports weight loss

There is no single diet that guarantees weight loss, but certain eating patterns promise better health.

The golden rule for fat shedding is to eat in a calorie deficit. But some diets can lead many slimmers to frustration and hunger.

Chelsea Mae, a nutrition aficionado who shed more than 2st 12lb, credits vegetables for the success of her weight loss plan.

In a recent YouTube clip, the slimmer recommended eating more vegetables with every meal as this adds volume without packing in calories.


She shared dieting advice


Chelsea claims this simple change not only helps the fat melt off, but guarantees it doesn't pile back on down the line.

“Since 2020 I’ve tried hundreds of different actions and inputs and habits for thousands of different women to try and see what is going to be that one thing that will always lead to results,” Chelsea explained.

“The consistent number one thing I found was shocking and that is that if you binge, if you eat pizza, if you struggle with staying consistent with steps, if you don’t exercise, most likely, you will continue to lose weight as long as you eat one to two portions of veggies every day.

“Obviously you’re going to optimise if you do everything else at once, but this is the biggest habit when it comes to long-term weight loss.”

“It’s the first place to start if you want to lose weight and keep it off,” she added. “Eat a load of veggies.”

One of the main reasons vegetables are so crucial for weight loss is because they have a satiating effect on the body.

Chelsea Mae claims eating more vegetables also helped her body enter into a calorie deficit.

Non-starchy vegetables like broccoli are very low in calories despite providing a lot of bulk to a meal.

Naturally, adding more vegetables to a plate leaves less room for other high-calorie components. Chelsea aims to get at least half of her meals' volume from vegetables, she explained.



Eating more vegetables leaves less room for high-calorie foods


“This veggie eating habit is the number one thing that has helped me to lose 40lb.

“But not only that, it is the safeguard that keeps me consistent enough to maintain that."

Even when she chooses to eat a little bit of pizza, Chelsea says she is careful to eat it with a portion of veggies.

“This is the thing that gives me so much confidence that regardless of what happens in my life, I will be able to maintain my weight loss because I have this as such a solid habit," she said.

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