Slimmers can 'skyrocket' their calorie burning with a simple walking technique

Maximise your walk with some calorie-burning hacks

Anna Barry

By Anna Barry

Published: 16/08/2024

- 21:00

Updated: 17/08/2024

- 10:09

An expert shared advice for those looking to lose weight

Walking is universally understood as an excellent form of exercise. It's free, easy and great for burning calories - not to mention a mental health booster.

To increase the amount of calories you are burning on a walk, there are several simple things you can do.

A fitness expert revealed why walking is the number one exercise to lose belly fat.

As for how much walking should done, a nutritionist the ideal number of minutes to walk every day for "fast" weight loss and belly fat reduction.

Group walking uphill

'Climbing a hill will send your heart rate (and overall calorie burn) skyrocketing'


An expert from the wellness platform FITON said: "Walking is one of the easiest ways to add a little extra movement into your day, and it can be performed anywhere, anytime. All you need is a pair of sneakers and a little motivation.

"While getting in extra steps can be a casual addition to your day, you can also make it more intentional and maximise the burn."

The "number one" way to burn more calories on a walk is to add in some incline. Nodding to a journal published in the National Library of Medicine, the expert said: "According to research, climbing a hill will send your heart rate (and overall calorie burn) skyrocketing."

What's more, incline workouts are great for toning as they activate the glutes and hamstrings.

Speeding up is another way to increase the amount of calories you burn on a walk. Similarly, you can add in intervals where you walk as fast as you can for a short distance, then slow down to recover for 15 - 30 seconds.

For an extra calorie burn, the expert recommended adding walking lunges, froggy jumps and side steps. This will also increase your heart rate and add muscle sculpt.

How to burn more calories walking

  1. Add an incline
  2. Speed it up
  3. Incorporate strength moves
  4. Listen to some tunes
  5. Use your arms
  6. Add intervals
  7. Be intentional
  8. Walk with a loved one
  9. Stretch

Making a walk more fun - by listening to music or finding a walking buddy - can also increase the amount of calories you burn.

Listening to music while walking is proven to make you pick up the pace, as can some friendly competition from a fellow walking enthusiast.


Women walking outside

A walking buddy can make for some friendly competition


Another way to burn more calories is by getting those arms swinging, making your walk a full-body movement - "don’t let your legs get all the glory".

FITON also advised walkers to be intentional. Push off the balls of your feet, squeeze your glutes and engage your hamstring every time you step.

The expert said: "The more muscles you can activate on each stride, the more effort (or calories) your body will use."

Finally, ensure you end your workout with a stretch to "release muscle tension, reduce your chance of injury, improve your posture, manage stress, promote circulation and enable your muscles to work more effectively".

To get the most out of a walk, slimmers can consult fitness apps, including the FITON App.