'I'm a doctor and you need to get rid of a high-calorie drink if you want to lose weight - it's probably one of the worst things for you'

Diana Moran takes the GB News panel through her morning exercise routine
Anna Barry

By Anna Barry

Published: 18/03/2024

- 19:15

Updated: 18/03/2024

- 20:00

Britons trying to slim down should swap sodas for water and lemon

Britons who want to lose weight should be mindful of the types of food they are consuming.

A doctor shared which foods people should avoid in order to slim down. The expert advised that slimmers ditch sugary drinks in favour of healthier alternatives.

Physician Dr Erik Richardson shared which foods you "need to get rid of in order to have weight-loss success".

Many slimmers forget to count the calories in their drinks when they are trying to lose weight. However, according to the doctor, this is a big mistake.

Dr Erik Richardson / Orange drink

Sugary drinks are 'probably one of the worst things for you that we consume on a regular basis'

YouTube / ErikRichardsonDO / GETTY IMAGES

He revealed that sugary drinks are "probably one of the worst things for you that we consume on a regular basis".

Dr Richardson explained that they have a "strong association with weight gain". He provided a warning to fans of the fizzy stuff: "One study I read a while back showed that one can a day of a non-diet soda can put on about 10lbs on the average person in a year."

While sugary drinks are full of calories, the body doesn't recognise them as food, so they don't leave the body feeling full.

This means that sugary drink fans are likely to reach for snacks throughout the day, which also ups daily calorie consumption.

The doctor's 10 foods to avoid for weight loss

  1. Fries and crisps
  2. Sugary drinks
  3. White bread
  4. Chocolate bars
  5. Fruit juice
  6. Pastries, cookies and cakes
  7. Alcohol (beer specifically)
  8. Ice cream
  9. Pizza
  10. High-calorie coffees

Water, on the other hand, will always be a weight-loss-friendly beverage. It contains zero calories and may suppress appetite by making the body feel more full.

The doctor recommended sipping on some cool water with a slice of lemon for flavour as opposed to a sugary soda.


Woman holding a glass of water and lemon

The doctor recommended sipping on some cool water with a slice of lemon


Britons who don't love lemon can opt for lime instead, or alternatively cucumber or berries.

As well as switching out sugary drinks for glasses of water, slimmers can make a sandwich swap that "burns significantly more calories".

Making changes to your diet may not just be good for your waistline - it could also improve your skin and make it appear more youthful.

According to a naturopathic doctor, three particular foods "can make you look older".