Get fit with GBN: Banish bingo wings with 3 beginner-friendly exercises you can do at home
Experts share the best exercises for bingo wings
GB News is giving you the best workout plans and diet advice to help burn fat and transform your body. This week, we look at how to banish bingo wings
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Bingo wings can be the result of many things, from low muscle mass and poor diet to loose skin or genetics.
No matter the cause, an expert has shared the best diet and fitness advice to help get rid of them and tone up your arms.
How to banish bingo wings
Speaking exclusively to GB News, Pilates guru Portia Page, Balanced Body Educator, NCPT, PMA, ACE and AFAA certified, shared three exercises you can do at home for defined arms.
Push ups strengthen and tone your arms
GETTYNarrow (tricep) Pushups
"Come to all fours (kneeling on hands under shoulders, and knees under hips). Bend your elbows bringing the chest to elbow height with the upper arms tucked into your torso.
"Level 1: When bending your elbows, sit your hips back towards your heels.
"Level 2: While bending your elbows, keep your hips above your knees (the chest will move forward and down). Repeat, going back, then front for four to eight sets.
"Level 3: Walk your hands forward (to extend the hips) – Modified Plank position. Bend and straighten the arms keeping the elbows by the ribs.
"Level 4: Curl under all 10 toes (keeping the knees down). Bend the elbows and while straightening the elbows, extend one leg long (keeping the toes tucked under and the other knee on the floor).
"Bend the elbows, bring the knee down and repeat on the other leg. Then continue to either alternate knees always leaving one down or straighten both legs when straightening the arms and lower the knees as the elbows bend.
"Level 5: Begin in a full plank and bend and straighten the elbows keeping the head in line with the torso in line with the heels."
Tricep rows to kickbacks
Portia said: "Use a 3-10lb weight, a filled water bottle, or canned food to hold in the hand.
"From standing, hold the weight in one hand and step back with the same foot while bending the standing knee and tilting your torso over the front thigh (forward tilt lunge).
"Bring the arm with the weight in it to under the shoulder and in line with the opposite front knee (keeping the shoulders and hips square). Bend the elbow, bringing the elbow in close by the ribs and up over the torso. Repeat five to 10 times.
"Hold the last repetition with the elbow bent and then straighten and bend the lifted elbow pressing the weight and the arm towards the ceiling. Repeat five to 10 times.
"Combination: Row the elbow, straighten the elbow, bend and straighten to the starting position. Repeat five to 10 times. Switch sides and repeat the cycle again on the other side."
Tricep dips
The expert explained: "This can be done on the floor yet is much easier and more adaptable on a solid chair seat without handles or armrests.
"Sit on a chair at the end of the seat, reach your arms behind you and scoot your hips forward off the seat. Bend and straighten the elbows. Repeat 10 to 15 times. If you don’t have a sturdy chair, sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat.
"Take both arms behind you with the fingers pointing toward your hips. Bend and straighten the elbows.
"You can also just lift your hips into a Reverse Tabletop and this also will target your entire body and give the triceps a bit of workout too.
"Be sure to stretch the triceps and upper back by taking one arm across the chest (thumb up) and pull the arm into the chest with the opposite hand. Release and lift the same arm over the head, bend the elbow and take the hand behind the head (reach towards the opposite shoulder, or behind the head/neck area).
"Lift the elbow straight up and hold with the other hand. You can add a side bend in the direction opposite of the hand that is lifted."
Looking for more fitness advice? Check out the GB News guide for 20-minute workouts to build strength and feel 'huge difference'. Or see two food groups to eat more of to burn fat - and exercise tips for women over 50.