MembershipDiet Weight loss success stories: 'I gave up 3 eating habits and lost a staggering 14st 4lb'
Diet A food swap can help you 'reduce snacking and overall calorie intake' - 'lose 5lb in one month!'
Diet Weight loss: 'I use a food pairing hack to stop my body storing fat - it's made a huge difference'
MembershipDiet Get fit with GBN: Slimmers told the 'ideal' way to exercise every week to lose weight and burn fat
MembershipDiet 'I lost 6st 1lb without restricting food intake - eating techniques made fat loss infinitely easier'
Diet 'I dropped 3st 6lb in 5 months by following golden rules that helped me kick-start my metabolism'
MembershipDiet Fitness expert shares exercise that is the 'underdog of weight loss' - full one-week workout plan