'If you drive a petrol or diesel vehicle, Labour will make you pay - and pay big time,' says Howard Cox

Keir Starmer

Howard Cox has branded Labour a threat to motorists ahead of the General Election

Howard  Cox

By Howard Cox

Published: 12/06/2024

- 06:00

Drivers and businesses must unite through media support to stop the new Government’s foreboding insanity

If you drive for business, work, hospital visits, education, or leisure, be aware that Labour’s net zero politburo is looming. It threatens to halt your vehicle usage or make it financially unviable to continue, infringing on your freedom.

Yet another potential financial burden from a forthcoming alternative batch of unaware politicos on the UK’s perennial cash cows is a cause for more than deep concern. It could significantly impact your financial stability.

The surge in anti-driver policies over the past five years under the fading Tory rule will pale compared to the punitive measures we will almost certainly face under a Keir Starmer Government, made worse by his likely massive House of Commons majority.

He and his green disciples are poised to launch economic raids on the UK’s 37 million drivers, all in the name of their baseless and ill-informed Save the Planet ideals.

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Howard Cox

Howard Cox was a London Mayoral candidate for Reform UK


This alarming prospect to our freedom to drive will be catastrophic, particularly for those already struggling, such as poorer families, small businesses, and notably our whole economy.

It could lead to job losses and an economic downturn, which should deeply concern us all. Recently, I had an unexpected encounter with a traditional Labour MP during a recent visit to the House of Commons.

We sat down for a convivial coffee, and he took a moment to acknowledge my 14 years of FairFuelUK’s successful campaigning for drivers.

However, his next words were a stark warning: “Howard, you might as well throw in the campaigning for motorists’ towel after the General Election. Labour will hike fuel duty and restrict the driver's freedom big time!"

This chilling personal interaction with a Labour MP, a party member who could implement these policies, directly confirmed the threat we face. It clarified that these policies are more than political rhetoric; they are a real and imminent danger.

I have also been privy to emails regarding a litany of stronger anti-driver policies ready to go once Labour gets its nose in the trough of political power.

Road restrictions, 20 mph maximum speed rollouts, draconian road taxes, bringing back the 2030 ban on new diesel and petrol car sales, stricter emissions targets, an explosion of ULEZs, sophisticated ‘Big Brother’ camera detection kit, LTNs, pay per mile, more oversized cycle lanes, biased-based parking charges, 15-minute cities, and higher public transport fares are just some of the road transport strangulations ready and waiting to be unleashed on us after Labour’s predicted landslide triumph late this year.

So why should you believe me that drivers are soon to be crushed by a political party that has always hated motorists? A party that is the odds-on favourite to win the keys to Number 10.

20mph speed limit signs

The Conservative manifesto states that it will put power into the hands of locals when deciding to implement 20mph zones


I, along with millions across the nation, know Keir Hardie’s once proud political movement, when in power again, will use motorists as the undemanding lucrative route to deliver pointless, ineffective, virtue-signalling, insane, wallet-draining plans to solve an emotively delivered fictitious climate crisis, allegedly.

Labour’s ominous road user policies, soon to be implemented on the road near you, are designed to limit our transport choices and freedom of movement. They are all part of the globalist project that Labour fully supports—namely, market, justice, and religion. These descriptors sound so endearing, don’t they?

But they hide the true sinister intentions that Labour fully buys into. In a world marked by complex challenges, the pioneers of globalism, the World Economic Forum, claim they ‘engage’ with political, business, academic, civil society, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas.

In their promotional mantra, please replace the word ‘engage’ with the words ‘undemocratically controlled’, and you will see the true intentions of this bunch of billionaires, all unelected. First-hand evidence of Labour’s objectives is bursting into cities across the UK, including London.


Sadiq Khan

Sadiq Khan was re-elected as London Mayor at the beginning of May


In the recent mayoral election, the mendacious politician Sadiq Khan was disturbingly elected by just 18 per cent of the capital’s electorate for a third term.

How can that be a democracy when 82 per cent did not vote for him? His political power is now even more untouchable than ever before, and as a consequence, he will deliver even more punitive, draconian anti-car policies, all unopposed.

Like lemmings to the sea, the rest of the Labour-run cities will eagerly follow his lead. Worse still, the national Labour administration will use London’s mayoral result as authorisation to inflict more needless pain on the UK’s drivers. The main reason is that many cities are either bankrupt or starved of funds.

Motorists remain the first stop as the easiest of income generators to bail councils out of their fiscal ineptitude. I will soon relaunch the FairFuelUK Campaign to fight the approaching five years of political and economic senselessness that will hit drivers hard. My new campaign will continue to battle fuel costs but will expand to include all aspects of anti-motorist issues.

Petrol and diesel prices

The Conservative Party has pledged to launch PumpWatch if elected


So, I welcome new members to this vital cause, especially as most of the recognised trade and consumer motoring organisations have accepted the impending political doom and, frankly, are as functional as chocolate teapots when it comes to campaigning for their members. Although the last 14 years of Tory governance have been less than successful across several political issues, at least in that time, I convinced them to keep fuel duty frozen.

So, if you drive a petrol, specifically a diesel vehicle, Labour will make you pay—and pay big time. Their blinkered vision of what constitutes saving the planet through prejudiced strategies of more road restrictions, needless emissions control, increased running costs, and higher taxation will become firmly entrenched. Drivers and businesses must unite through media support to stop the new Government’s foreboding insanity.

Howard Cox, Founder of FairFuelUK and Reform UK Parliamentary Candidate in Dover and Deal

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