Electric scooter trial to be extended until 2026 despite complaints about pavement parking havoc


A popular e-scooter trial has been extended until May 2026

Hemma Visavadia

By Hemma Visavadia

Published: 09/09/2024

- 09:23

Newcastle City Council called on the trial operator to fix issues with parking

A major city has unveiled plans to extend its e-scooter trial for another two years despite concerns about safety and “inconsiderate” parking.

Newcastle City Council has agreed to extend the trial of e-scooter provider Neuron until 2026 after becoming more popular with local residents.

The e-scooters were originally launched in the city in 2021 and have been extended repeatedly as riders find them useful for commuting.

However, some residents have called on the council to stop riders leaving them on the pavement which blocks the route for pedestrians and cyclists.

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The e-scooter trial was launched in Newcastle in 2021


In a bid to appease locals, the council requested that the e-scooter provider make a series of changes to its operation to keep its licence.

One of them includes a targeted crackdown on how the scooters are parked as well as harsher penalties for “inconsiderate” parking.

According to the Neuron riding rules: "When ending a trip, park the scooter in a safe and responsible way, having regard for other path users.

"Park only in the designated parking areas indicated in the Neuron app, deploy the kickstand and return the scooter in the same condition as when you started the trip, normal wear and tear permitting."

The e-scooter provider found that 97 per cent of riders believe the programmehas had a positive impact on the city.

E-scooters have also reportedly helped improve congestion and air quality, with 40 per cent of trips having replaced a car journey, saving around 150 tonnes of CO2 emissions to date.

Richard Hannah, head of global operations at Neuron, said: “After a successful three and a half years in Newcastle, our e-scooters have become an integral part of the city’s transport mix.

“We are delighted to continue the service in the city and we thank our loyal riders as well as the council for their continued trust and support.”

In late 2023, Neuron introduced an AR Parking Assistant, which uses augmented reality to ensure vehicles are parked correctly in designated parking stations.

The maximum speed for an e-scooter is 15.5mph with riders needing to be 18 years old to use them on the road, except motorways and in cycle lanes.

Riders cannot use an e-scooter on the pavement and must follow traffic signs with a cycle symbol when operating them.

A spokesperson for Newcastle City Council said: "We have agreed to extend the city’s e-scooter trial, which is operated by Neuron, until May 2026, in line with the Department for Transport trial period.


A man riding an e-scooter through trafficE-scooter riders must be 18 year old and have a provisional licencePA

“Since the launch of the trial, many people have benefited from using the orange e-scooters, making journeys for both work and leisure. We are continually working with Neuron to look at ways in which the trial can be improved to ensure it meets the needs of our residents and this will include a further review into parking arrangements."

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