Drivers overwhelmingly support fines for pavement parking - 'Some people are just so selfish!'

Sophie Reaper speaks to people about pavement parking

Sophie Reaper

By Sophie Reaper

Published: 29/01/2024

- 13:57

A major UK city has started issuing fines for drivers who park on the pavement

Between April and December of last year, over 100,000 drivers were fined in Liverpool for poor parking.

Now, the city council has said they want the Government to give them more powers to crack down on this issue that they say “blights everyone’s lives.”

This comes as Edinburgh has become the first city in Scotland to introduce a ban on pavement parking.

As of today, drivers who flout these restrictions could face a fine of £100 - or £50 if it’s paid within the first 14 days.

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Car parked on pavement and a concerned resident

One resident in Merseyside said drivers were being 'selfish' when parking on the pavement


Speaking on this, Councillor Scott Arthur - who is acting Transport and Environment Convener for Edinburgh City Council - said: "These new rules are about making our streets safer and more accessible for everyone, in particular those with visual impairments or mobility issues."

Now, it seems that many towns and cities around the UK want to follow their lead.

Speaking to residents in Liverpool today, I asked people if they would welcome the introduction of a fine for drivers who leave their vehicles on the pavement - and they unanimously told me that they would.

One woman acknowledged the difficulties pavement can present for pedestrians.

Another resident said he would be in support of fining drivers who park on the pavement


She said: “If somebody’s got a pram, and somebody’s parked on the pavement, nine times out of 10… you can’t get through… some people are just so selfish.”