Blue Badge owners face £1,000 fine for failing to renew permit on time

Renewing a permit costs £10 in England

Hemma Visavadia

By Hemma Visavadia

Published: 14/07/2024

- 13:32

Metropolitan Police recorded 6,415 Blue Badges stolen last year

Blue Badge owners have been warned they could face £1,000 fines for not renewing their permit in time.

Driving without a valid Blue Badge could lead to prosecution with many motorists issued fines for misusing the system.

Drivers must renew a Blue Badge every three years, they are not automatically done and cost £10 in England and £20 in Scotland.

To renew, drivers need a recent digital photo showing both the head and shoulders of the person.

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Blue disabled sign in carDrivers who misuse the Blue Badge system can be fined up to £2,000GETTY

They also need a photo or scan of proof of identity such as a birth certificate, passport or driving licence.

Proof of address such as a Council Tax bill or government letter is also required, as well as proof of benefits.

The need for renewal comes after the Metropolitan Police recorded 6,415 badges stolen last year.

The Blue Badge scheme allows drivers who hold one, free and heavily discounted parking prices across the UK.

If someone is found to be illegally using a Blue Badge, they can be hit with a £1,000 fine and the permit could be taken off them.

In 2021, the number of drivers who were prosecuted for misusing the Blue Badge system was 698, with London having the most cases, followed by the West Midlands and Yorkshire.

During National Blue Badge Day of Action 2024, 10,040 badges were inspected and 423 misuse offences were detected.

Last year, 20 warnings and four Simple Cautions were issued for Blue Badge misuse in the county - many of those also received a Civil Penalty Notice.

According to Department for Transport data, there are currently 2.5 million Blue Badge holders in the UK, up from 2.4 million in 2022.

Andy Syrett, UK managing director of YourParkingSpace criticised the number of drivers who abused disabled parking bays.

He said: “As someone who has a daughter that relies on a disabled badge, it is very disappointing when you can’t get a space because someone is abusing it, and it makes it extremely difficult to do daily activities.

“It is shocking to see that so many people have been spotted parking in a disabled space when they shouldn’t, and it is understandable that UK motorists are calling for harsher punishments.”


Blue BadgeBlue Badge holders receive parking exemptionsGETTY

Between April 1, 2022, and March 31, 2023, 1.14 million Blue Badges were issued, an increase of 101,000 badges (9.7 per cent) compared with the previous year.