'I'm a hairdresser - there's a style you should avoid if you want better hair'

Ladies have been a free hack for great hair

TikTok / @rachelvalentinehair / GETTY IMAGES
Anna Barry

By Anna Barry

Published: 15/08/2024

- 12:26

"I hate to break it to you but tight hairstyles - and this includes slicked back buns - are not good for your hair"

Looking after your hair properly can cost a lot of money, from pricey products to expensive trips to the salon.

However, according to a hairdresser and trichologist, there are also some free things women can do to improve their locks. She advised ladies to avoid styling their hair in tight hairstyles.

Rachel Valentine warned many popular updos "are not good for your hair".

She said: "Tension on our scalp can cause something called traction alopecia. This is when excessive pulling on our scalp causes the hair to come away from our follicle."

Rachel Valentine

Looser styles are better for your hair health

TikTok / @rachelvalentinehair

The expert explained that this can consequently leave us with "finer hair or even patches of hair loss". Looser styles are better for your hair health.

She also advised women against wearing their hair in the trendy messy bun, which can have the same negative effects.

Next, Rachel told hair enthusiasts not to tie their hair up when it is wet - whether it's with a hair tie or a claw clip.

She explained: "Our hair is so fragile when it's wet. Sometimes it's even better just to dry your hair before you tie it up."

The expert also advised that a dietary choice could work wonders. The hair guru said: "Eat more protein."

Because our hair is comprised of 95 per cent protein, therefore eating more of this "can see a massive improvement in your hair".

She also urged women to encourage blood flow to the scalp using scalp massages and exercise.

When it comes to styling, the hair expert advised being very careful with heat. Always use a heat protectant when you are using heat, but try to limit your usage when you can.

"Heat is so damaging for your hair," Rachel explained, "and it's such a simple thing to change".

Trying a new hairstyle can also give women major hair confidence.


Woman with wet hair

'Our hair is so fragile when it's wet'


Women over 50 have been urged to try a haircut that can make them feel decades younger.

Another way to look younger is through makeup. Middle-aged ladies were told they "will look 10 years younger in 10 minutes" with a blusher hack that drops a decade.

An expert also shared the natural ingredient that gives her shiny, soft hair and prevents shedding.