Keeping well in the winter: 'Essential' tips will 'supercharge your immune system' this winter

Supporting gut health and keeping active are two ways to help your body

Lewis Henderson

By Lewis Henderson

Published: 30/11/2024

- 07:00

Updated: 02/12/2024

- 10:56

Supporting your immune system is a key way to keep healthy

During the winter months, we are more prone to picking up a cold or getting ill due to the cold weather and germs in the air.

Our immune system will be working harder during the next few months to combat the conditions and it is important we provide support to our bodies.

Award-winning dietitian and health writer Dr Carrie Ruxton PhD, and pharmacist and nutritional therapist Deborah Grayson laid out their top tips to stay healthy this winter.

Supporting gut health

Some 70 per cent of our immune system exists in our gut so it is imperative we support our gut as much as possible. Dr Ruxton said: "The best way to support gut health is to eat high-fibre foods, like whole grains, and plenty of polyphenols – these are plant substances found in berries, orange juice, tea, onions and dark chocolate."

An older man trying to keep warm

The experts said to make sure you are warm in the winter


Vitamin intake

Dr Ruxton advised: "It’s essential to supercharge your immune system over the winter months by upping your intake of vitamin C and vitamin D. Just one glass of orange juice provides more than 80 per cent of our daily vitamin C recommendation and you can boost intakes further by adding four to five daily servings of fruit and vegetables."

Deborah advised the importance of taking vitamin D to make up for the lack of sunlight. She said: "Vitamin D levels are really important for maintaining immunity and fending off winter bugs. Taking a daily dose of vitamin D can be important in the winter when we spend more time indoors. If you get lots of bugs, consider getting your vitamin D tested and supplement as appropriate." With all supplements, it can be worth checking with a doctor if it is necessary for you.

Keeping active

As the darker nights set in, it can be less appealing to head outside to keep ourselves active in the colder conditions. Deborah shared the importance of remaining active for our bodies.

She said: "Getting regular exercise ideally outdoors if weather allows is really important for keeping fit and boosting mood which always helps with overall resilience but especially in the winter."


Keeping warm

What may seem like an obvious one, the experts emphasised the importance of making sure you stay warm in these chilly times. Deborah said: "Wear extra layers, heat just the rooms you occupy or consider a heated blanket to help keep warm."

Maintaining hydration

The importance of hydration is paramount throughout the whole year, particularly in winter. Deborah advised: "Staying hydrated is essential as the body is made up of up to 60 per cent water and maintaining good hydration is essential to help it function effectively."

A man preparing food

The experts said it is important to have foods with lots of vitamins and good for your gut


Deborah talked about the importance of being resilient this winter as it may feel difficult to maintain healthy standards in the tougher conditions.

She suggested a multivitamin supplement to support your body if you are struggling to follow some of the tips advised.

It is important to look after your body this winter and another part of this can be through other healthy foods we eat.