Robotic surgery 'saved woman's life' after cancer diagnosis
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
A woman says she believes robotic surgery saved her life after she was diagnosed with cancer.
Deborah Speirs, from the Tolllcross area of Glasgow, opted for the “innovative” procedure rather than traditional surgery after being told she had stage three bowel cancer in March 2021.
After undergoing the operation – as well as chemotherapy – she has now been given the all-clear.
She said: “In what was a very traumatic and difficult time for me and my family, I genuinely think that robotic surgery has saved my life.”
More than 60 doctors across NHS Scotland are trained in the use of robotic surgery, with 15 machines in operation.
The da Vinci robotic systems used have four arms which can hold a camera as well as surgical tools, with a surgeon operating these from a console in the operating theatre.
The robots give surgeons a greater range of motion than in traditional surgery, with the precision they give bringing quicker recovery times, with shorter stays in hospital for patients.
Ms Speirs said: “When you are told you are diagnosed with cancer, it takes a while for this to really sink in as you never think it is going to happen to you.”
After having the procedure explained to her in detail, she was happy to go ahead with the robotic surgery, saying: “The technology is amazing and I was up and walking around in a matter of days after my surgery.
“I wanted to start hoovering when I got home from hospital but my daughter made sure I rested up. It just shows you how great this is for recovery.”
Prof Roxburgh said: “Robotic surgery has already shown huge improvements in patient care and recovery times.”
[rebelmouse-image 32889748 expand=1 alt="BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE Undated handout photo issued by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde of Deborah Speirs (second right) who opted for robotic surgery, with her daughter Antonia (left) father Thomas (second left) and partner Paul (right). A Scottish woman says she believes robotic surgery saved her life after she was diagnosed with cancer. Deborah Speirs, from the Tollcross area of Glasgow, opted for the "innovative" procedure rather than traditional surgery after being told she had stage three bowel cancer in March 2021. After undergoing the operation - as well chemotherapy - she has now been given the all clear. Issue date: Saturday January 7, 2023." site_id=25354495 is_animated_gif=false original_size="3200x2400" caption="Deborah Speirs (second right) who opted for robotic surgery, with her daughter Antonia (left) father Thomas (second left) and partner Paul (right)." photo_credit="NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde" crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%22https%3A//"]
Deborah Speirs (second right) who opted for robotic surgery, with her daughter Antonia (left) father Thomas (second left) and partner Paul (right).
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
He stressed that the surgeon “still has absolute control of everything that is going on”, explaining that the medic uses a console that controls the instruments.
Prof Roxburgh said with robotic surgery “we have seen a halving in the length of time patients are required to stay in hospital in comparison to conventional key hole surgery as it is less invasive.
“In addition to this, it helps reduce complications, imaging assessments, blood transfusions, readmission rates and infections.
“Deborah is just one example of a number of successful surgeries using this type of equipment.”
[rebelmouse-image 32889749 expand=1 alt="Undated handout photo issued by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde of a surgeon at one of the consoles used in robotic surgery. A Scottish woman says she believes robotic surgery saved her life after she was diagnosed with cancer. Deborah Speirs, from the Tollcross area of Glasgow, opted for the "innovative" procedure rather than traditional surgery after being told she had stage three bowel cancer in March 2021. After undergoing the operation - as well chemotherapy - she has now been given the all clear. Issue date: Saturday January 7, 2023." site_id=25354495 is_animated_gif=false original_size="1536x2048" caption="A woman says she believes robotic surgery saved her life after she was diagnosed with cancer." photo_credit="NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde" crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%22https%3A//" image_crop="custom"]
A woman says she believes robotic surgery saved her life after she was diagnosed with cancer.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde