'I'm a doctor - following six principles of longevity can add years to your life'

Exercise can add years to your life

Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 18/12/2024

- 13:12

Following six rules can improve your health and even add years to your life

While you can not guarantee how long you will live, some lifestyle tips can definitely set you in good stead for a long, healthy life.

A doctor has spoken to GB News to share six factors that can help to boost your longevity.

This includes adjusting your sleep, diet, exercise, habits, stress and social connections, according to GP and author Christine Gibson.

Get enough sleep

The expert explained: "Adults require between seven to nine hours [a night] and it's also key to have a similar pattern each day, including a less than 30-minute shift on weekends to maintain our circadian pattern of neurochemicals and hormones."

Woman sleeping

Sleeping at least seven hours a night is good for your health


Sleep eludes many people but getting at least seven hours a night can boost your overall health. Experts have shared tips on how to fall asleep quickly.

Follow a healthy diet

What you eat impacts your weight, health and mobility, and a bad diet can even cut years off your life. Dr Gibson explained: "The most life-limiting foods are meats (especially processed) and saturated fats.

"Healthiest are fruits and vegetables, so adding a few servings daily can make a big difference. Limiting sugar-sweetened beverages and salt intake are also evidence-based ways to avoid premature death."


The expert said: "Research shows any amount helps - even a few minutes a day - but there's a benefit from even more.

"This benefit hits one plateau at about 150 minutes per week, and a second plateau at 400 minutes, whereafter any benefits are uncertain.

"The goal would be a moderate amount of intensity, so being able to talk but not sing is a good measure."

Avoid risky substances

Unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking can also drastically reduce your lifespan, according to the expert.

She continued: "The most important one is cigarette smoking, for which the benefits around heart disease, cancer, and stroke improve over time after quitting.

"Also to be avoided is heavy alcohol intake, so try to keep it to one standard drink per day for women and max two for men. Other substances are less well studied when it comes to longevity but it's presumed they would shorten lifespan."

Stress management

Dr Gibson explained: "This is the one where I have the most expertise, so I would recommend multiple strategies. Somatic, or body-based, ones help you regulate the nervous system.


Women doing yoga

Yoga can help you manage stress and get the body moving


"This can be as simple as slowing down the breath, gentle soothing touch, or movements like Qigong or yoga. Cognitive - or brain-based - tools can be mindfulness, journaling (gratitude or hopeful affirmations), and CBT worksheets.

"There are so many apps that have free content for many of these strategies, including white noise and EFT tapping."

Social connections

It is easy to underestimate the importance of a good social network, especially as you age. The doctor said: "Longevity is affected by our relationships, so fostering some closeness with at least one or two people you can rely on makes a difference.

"Even small communication counts, so saying hello to your barista may be worth doing."